First Time Campfiring

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The sun was already setting and disappearing below the horizon line. It was only 6 o'clock but was already getting dark even in the warm weather. The sunset cast a orange and red color onto the lake and a shine on the trees making the green look even more vibrant.

You couldn't stop staring at the amazing sunset that you've never seen before. With eyes rounded and sparkling with curiosity and amazement you sat on one of the bench that was situated around the perimeter of the lake. A hand landed on your shoulder causing you to jump a bit and felt like goosebumps had already developed on your skin. Turning your head over your shoulder, you saw that it was Zane and Nathan.

"You guys scared me" You pouted and put a hand on your heart. Both of them sat down on the bench, Zane on your right and Nathan on your left. A chuckle came out from Zane and he couldn't help but patted your head.

His finger linger on your cheeks a little longer than needed but only ended up poking them before giggling to himself and finally putting a stranded piece of hair behind your ear. You didn't mind or thought of it as anything else than just your best friend doing silly things. Since Zane had always been doing embarassing stuff to you like this, you became use to it.

Nathan looked at the both of you with a tinge of uncomfort and jealousy that was bubbling up. He was trying his best to show a monotone face but that was getting harder and harder when he saw that you didn't even resist to Zane's touch. His heart ached and yearn for you to even look at him. But even so, he was happy knowing that you were still able to smile like that.

"Yah, she's not a dog. Stop petting her" Nathan finally spoke up with a hint of irritation in his voice. Zane, being the childish person he is, stuck his tongue out at the latter. "Is someone jealous?" Zane teased.

Nathan flicked him upside the head and chuckled. Zane rubbed his bruised with a pout on his face, "Luna are you gonna let him do that to your best friend? PUNISHMENT TIME!!" He was about to jump on him; you tried to stop the latter, until another yelp came out from Zane's mouth. "Is my little brother bothering you?" Jacob asked you but kept an eye on Zane.

You giggled and shook your head. "Is this like Torture Zane Day or something?!" He scooted all the way near the edge of the bench and sulked.

"Come on, a couple of people wants to start a campfire. Theres only one left, we better hurry!" Jacob warned before sprinting off. You guessed he was going to save the last fire place.

"Wah~ campfire~" Excited, you jumped up off the bench and grabbed onto Nathan's arm, pulling him with you.

It was kind of a surprise for the both of you since he didn't expect you to grab or nonetheless be near him like that. But his heart flutter with delight at your mere touch. It felt unfamiliar since the both of you haven't really been talking or having that close of contact and he had almost forgotten how it felt. Your soft skin sent sparks traveling up his arm.

You on the other hand was surprised by your action. You were thinking that maybe it wasn't the right thing to do and the thought of pulling your hand back to your side came inside your head, but another part of you told you that it would've somehow made Nathan a little sad. And deep down, maybe you didn't want the latter to feel any discomfort towards you. Your heart pounded in your chest while you still didn't know how you felt about this at all.

"Wait for me!!" You heard Zane hollering from behind, trying hard to catch up.

Looking up, you gave Nathan a smiled and he returned it with an awkward but cute little laugh since he didn't know what to do at that moment. *Really... How can you hate me when you're giving me that kind of smile...?*

"Over here"

From a distance you saw a hand waving in the air and knew that it was Jacob. Carol was already sitting around the campfire in one of the prepared chairs. She mouthed you a little "Hi" and a giggle escaped her lips. You plop down onto a chair that was a seat away from Carol, leaving the available chair for Jacob, with Nathan next to you and a tired Zane in the one after that.

It was pitched black when the fire was bright and burning red in the pit. You could see several other campfires just only a couple of yards away surrounded with kids laughing and having a jolly time. While you and everyone else was waiting for the marshmallows to finish cooking.

"Is this your first campfire Luna?" Carol asked while checking on her own white puff. You nodded, "Yeah! It's really interesting. I'm glad to be able to spend my time with you guys" Jacob patted your head, you returned it with a content smile.

"Excuse us, but can we join you guys? We're from the campsite next to yours but there's not enough campfire and wanted to come over. and say hi" The voice came from behind you but you didn't turn around since you were too focus on your stick of marshmallows. "Look look! It's done~" You squeaked. Using the two graham crackers, you squeeze the sticky little snack between.

You bit into the s'more but quickly retracted it and fanned your tongue. "ACK!!" You yelled with tears in your eyes. "Idiot," Zane bonked your head "You're suppose to wait a bit before eating. Now look what you've done" Even though he was sitting a seat away from you, he pulled your head closer. "Say ahh~"

One hand on your chin and the other on your cheeks, examining your tongue closely. His eyes drifted down to your red luscious lips. He couldn't help but gulp at how much it tempted him to lean in and connect his with yours. *Maybe just for a second....* Unconsciously his head started to lean in. Luckily for you, Nathan saw and cleared his throat.

"Hurry up or my marshmallows will burn" Nathan made an easy excuse and hid the anger in his voice. Zane pulled back with an embarrass look on his face and you were still innocent as ever. *Don't tell me.... He likes her too?!* Nathan glance over at your adorable expression as you ate your s'more. *At least she didn't notice* He chuckled at how clueless you were.

*SHIT SHIT SHIT! Why in the hell did i do that?! What were you thinking Zane?!* He was on the urge of throwing a total fit and pulled all the hairs out of his head. Everything was a mess and his head was so confuse that he couldn't even think right. His heart was beating nonstop and he could tell his face was as hot as the sun by now.

"Here" Jacob handed an empty jar over to you, Nathan, and Zane.

"What's this?"

"Firefly catching"

"... EHH?" You blinked at him not knowing what to do.

But the only kiddy one in the group; Zane, pushed you off your chair and ran near the edge of the campsite around the tree line where most of the lightning bugs reside. They flash a quick yellow color and then disappear only to flash their light once again. You grew amaze looking at the pretty colors and tried catching one but always fail.

All of you enjoyed yourself till late at night, the teachers had to come out of their cabins and force everyone to go to bed for the festivities to stop.


A/N: Get ready for some fun camping~ and some drama sometime to come. Are you guys ready for break? What about Christmas?

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