So Sorry I Have To Do This To You

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You managed to choke down a few remaining of the waffle that Nathan made for you. You quickly drank some water that was sitting next to your hand. Everything was still sore, if possible, maybe more than before. You leaned back on the couch to give you some support. You had spent a restless night on the couch. Waking up in the middle of the night because of the pain.

Nathan strode over and sat down gently beside you. "How are you feeling?"

Your throat was still bothering you so you didn't reply. *Not the best right now*

He gave a long sigh. He pulled out the medicine that he applied on you last night. He started dabbing on the side of your forehead and your arms. You turned so he could reach your other arm. After everything was finished, he settled the small bottle down on the table.

"S-Shouldn't.... You... Be in school?" You winced at the pain of your throat.

"What kind of a friend would i be if i leave you here alone?" He raised his voice a bit.

You soften. You laid your hand onto his and smiled. "T-Thank y-you"

He returned the smile back to you. The room became quiet as you laid back down onto the couch, with his help of course. He kept staring at you, your arms, and face. Everywhere was filled with purple bruises, some were even black. He's guaranteed that even your organs have bruises too by how miserable you look right now.

He couldn't help but feel angry to those girl who was hitting you. His fist clenched up and he gritted his teeth to keep him from wanting to scream. He looked over and saw you calmly sleeping. *She looks like an angel* His heart melted. He reached his hand out to grab a hold of yours. *Feel better Luna. It's hurting my heart that you're feeling like this*


Two days had passed, you were back in school. Even though some bruises are still visible on your skin, it didn't hurt that much as it did a few days ago. So, you had decided to wear a red sweater so no one could notice. Nathan had volunteered to help you around. Carrying your books, opening your locker, taking notes, etc. Even though it wasn't necessary, he did it anyway.

Nathan helped you to sit down at a table while he was in the line getting food. You awkwardly glanced around, looking for Zane, since you haven't seen or was able to contact him for a while. *Speaks of the devil*

You spotted him a few table away with his usual group. Laughing and talking like nothing matters in the world. *He... Didn't even noticed i was gone...* You lowered your head. Your heart sank but quickly risen up again when someone sat down abruptly.

"You..." He pointed his long fingers towards your way. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST 3 DAYS?!"

You tried hiding your face. "Lower your voice! People are looking!" You hissed. But as embarrassed as you were, you were quite happy that he noticed.

Lucky for you, Nathan had came back with your tray of food. You gladly accept it. You smiled and noticed that all the food on the tray was really easy to swallow. *Wah... Thank you so much!* You took a few bite, totally forgot that Zane was still waiting for you to answer his question.

He was getting impatient, *This girl...* In a quick move, he yanked your hand closer to his side. You yelped in pain. *Why....?* He was confuse until he looked down on your arm. Part of your skin was now showing from under your sweater. Your eyes widen and pulled it back.

"What happened?" His voice was more calm and caring than it was before.

You looked over to Nathan for help. He nodded in understanding. Within a few minutes he had told Zane everything. The look on Zane's face told you that he was quite sad and mad at the same time.

"HOW...!" Before he could say anymore, he looked over at you. Eyes filled with concern and worried. "Are you ok? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"N-Nathan... He uh... Didn't want you to..." You stuttered through your words as it was still diffficult for you to speak.

"Because i knew you would act like this." Nathan finished your sentence for you. "There's nothing we could do anyway. We can't hit girls, and it would be pointless for us to. They would just go and beat Luna up again. I intend to just stay by her side"

Zane opened his mouth to object but closed it right after. He sat there for a while contemplating on what to do with the situation. *Gah! Luna... You should've told me. At least i could've done something for you*


You were standing alone by your locker waiting for Nathan to come back. "BOOO!" You jumped. You turned around and saw Jacob standing there. Your eyes widen and nervously looked pass him and behind you. *I shouldn't talk to him. They might come again...*

You turned the other way and tried to ignore him. He was confuse and tried to turn you around but you kept restraining. He was getting impatient and forced you to turn around. Both of your eyes met and you tensed under him.

You looked away but his hands were still on your shoulders. "Whats wrong? Did i do something?"

You shook your head, but you noticed that a group of girls staring at you. Your hands started shaking and your lips was trembling. 

"N-Nothing..." You gulped. You wanted to panic when the girls started walking closer and closer to you. *Crap, i'm sorry Jacob... but i have to do this* 

"Luna... If there's something bothering---" 

Before he could finish his sentence you interrupted him. "D-.... Don't talk to me anymore. I HATE YOU!! Don't act like you're my friend!" You turned around and broke into a run. *I'm sorry.... Forgive me Jacob* 

Jacob was left standing there, eyes wide, and shocked. *Did she really just say that?* He wanted to yell at someone that very moment, but instead put his hands on the lockers to give him some support. 

Amber and her crew saw the whole thing unfold. Amber snickered, "That girl listens well." She turned around, and many of the other girls followed her. 

You rounded around the corner and stopped to catch your breath. Your slid down the wall that you were leaning on when you felt that your knee would give out at any moment. 

"Luna! What happened?" Nathan rushed over to your side. He seemed to be holding some medicine that he had gotten from the nurse's office. He lifted your chin up so he could see your face more clearly. 

You gave him your best smile, "I'm fine, just decided to run around while i wait for you"

Nathan laughed and push your forehead slightly. "Stupid... You could've gotten hurt." 

He decided to sit there with you while applying your medicines. Both of you laugh and joked around until the day ended. *I'm happy that i'm able to make you feel better.* Nathan thought. 


A/N: Good chapter? More drama in the next chapter.... I hopee :D 

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