A Little Spy Date

372 20 10

"Where do you want to go?" Nathan had asked you.

A few minutes ago you were being dragged by him towards the town square. Now, both of you are walking around, looking through shop's windows.

You stopped in front of a cute pink store. There was 3 stuff animals in the window display; a cute teddy, hello kitty, and a fluffy bunny.

*Wah, what a cute little bunny. I really want it... but, Grammy will be mad if i don't use my money carefully.* Gradually, you walked away. Feeling a bit down that you couldn't buy it.

Nathan watched you as your face turn from happy to be a bit sad. *Hmm....*

Then, he spotted an icecream place. *It's not too cold. So i think eating a little bit won't hurt* He grabbed your hand and guide you toward the shop.

Both of you were led to an empty booth in the back next to a window. A small girl came up and asked for your orders.

Before you could speak up, Nathan ordered for you. "I'll get a medium chocolate, and my cute little girl will get a small coffee."

"Coming right up." The girl blush and walk away.

Your eyes widen when he had said what you wanted to get. Your favorite ice cream flavor, coffee. *How...?*

"Luna, be comfortable around me. There's nothing to be shy about." He gave you an assuring smile.

"Uh... Of course." You didn't exactly feel shy, more like nervous with the butterflies in your stomach. You never went on a date with a guy. You would sometimes go to eat a small shop with Zane, but that doesn't count cause he already has a girlfriend. "How... How did you---"

Before you could finish your sentence, both of your ice cream came. Nathan waited for you to taste it before he ate his own.

You put the cold dessert into your mouth. It went from cold to warm in seconds. Your eyes beamed and a big smile came on your face. You took a big spoonful and shove it in your mouth. But a few seconds later, you regretted the decision.

*Ah, brain freeze!!* You closed your eyes tightly hoping it would go away. Someone held onto your hand, making you feel safe, like nothing was going to happen to you.

You eyes reopened and met with Nathan's. You blush and lowered your head. "Sorry... It was really good."

Nathan tried to hold in his laughter "... Its ok, just don't eat it too fast."

He finally took a bite into his ice cream. He was instantly happy at that moment. It wasn't the ice cream. He had glanced over and notice that you hadn't moved your hand away from his. In fact, it was intertwined more tightly then ever.


"Wahh! Zanie, try this. It's delicious!" Taylor held out a spoonful of strawberry ice cream out for Zane to taste.

Zane and Taylor was sitting only a table away from you and Nathan. He was trying to listen in on your conversation this whole time. *Gah!! Why did she have to agree and go with a guy like him? He could be a player for all i know!*

"Baby..." Taylor called out and got Zane's attention. "I'm going to use the restroom. Wait ok?"

He waved her off and she walked across the room. Zane turned his head completely since he won't be interrupted anymore and looked at you and Nathan in the booth. Then his eyes flickered to your hand. One was on the spoon, and the other was holding Nathan's hand tightly.

*Who the hell does he think he is? Did they already gone this far?! What's next, sex?* Zane's face started to to turn red. He didn't know why but he felt angry at... Nathan, and especially you.

Suddenly, you and Nathan walked out of the door. Zane was about to get up when he remembered Taylor. *Hurry... I can't leave them alone, what if something happens to Luna?*

Finally, Taylor came back at the exact time. If she had taken longer, he would've lost both of you. He grabbed her hand and rushed her out the door.


"Don't you think it's getting dark?" You asked Nathan as you looked over the variety of clothes in the shop.

"Are you tired?" Nathan worriedly looked over.

"A tiny bit. I also don't want my grandma to worry."

*Granny? Granny still lives with you?* He smiled. *Nothing ever changes*

Nathan slipped out when he noticed you weren't looking. He knew you would be busy for a while when you were looking through stuff. He ran down a few block before he recognized a familiar pink shop. The door was closing but he managed to get there in time.

"I'm sorry son, but it's getting late and i have to close." The lady told him. She looks to be in a rush.

"Please... I really need to buy something for someone." Nathan clasp his hands together in plead.

"It is a girlfriend?"

"Something like that!"

The lady hesitantly waited but let him in. He grabbed the cutest and fluffiest bunny that you were looking at and paid for it. The lady gave him a small bag, and he said his thanks. A few minutes he arrived back to the store you were in.

Zane, a few feet away, notices that Nathan had came back from somewhere. *Where did this guy go?*

"Zanie, can you buy me this cute shirt?" Taylor pleaded. She got in front of his view of you and Nathan, and then was forced to go and pay for the shirt. *DAMN IT*

Nathan popped up behind you and said, "Did you want to buy something?" Trying his hardest to hide the bunny bag from you.

You shook your head and cutely smiled. "It's not my style."

*You're too cute Luna* Nathan thought.

He led you away from the store and walked you home. Both of you were holding hands the whole way. It was easy for you now since you guys been doing it all day, you didn't mind anymore. Actually, you were happy someone was like this towards you.

"Thanks for walking me. I had fun today" You smiled at him and he gladly returned it.

"I did too. Are we friends now?" He asked.

"Of course! You won't be my #1, but you're still close." You sincerely said.

*Don't worry, i'll get up there!* He thought. "As a friend, i would like to give you this." He extended his hand and gave you the small bag.

"What...?" You were about to peek in when he stopped you. "Open it when you get it in." He said, waved, and walked away.

You were confused but walked in with the bag hanging by your side. *I wonder what it is*

You sat down on your bed and started to unravel the mystery. You gasp when you saw bunny ears popping up. *Wah...* You pulled out the little bunny that you had wanted, and a note fell to the floor. You picked it up and read it.


I hope you had fun today. I thought you would like to have a bunny as cute as you. Think of me when you hug it. Sweet dreams~!  

- Nathan

You were touched that he would do something like this. *But when... Oh, i don't care. I love it* You held it close to your chest. Soon, you fell asleep with the bunny in your arms and note next to your head. *Nathan... Thank you...*


A/N: Well... I tried making it longer than usual. But of course i'm really tired now since its like 12 in the morning. Happy reading? Btw... I just posted a picture of Jacob since i didn't introduce any new characters yet. Do you like it? Even though it doesn't show his full face, i still think it's really cute. 

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