Dreary Day

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It has been a week since you visited the hospital and heard the news about your health. After you returned to Nathan and Zane, they were concerned and asked you a lot of questions. But you were quiet and didn't say anything on the way back. When you finally forced them out of your house, you sat on your bed and let everything that happened that day soak in. Soon, tears were rollling down your cheeks and you were sobbing. 

"QUIET DOWN PEOPLE IN THE BACK!" Your teacher yelled, interrupting your thoughts. You looked back to see that it was only Amber and her little clique. You turned back toward your books and listened to the teacher rant on and on about biology. 

After what seems like forever, you glance at the clock above the door. Even though it felt like eternity to you, it had only been 30 minutes, which means you have another 30 minutes left of class. 

Normally you would love to keep listening to the teacher and take long notes on everything he says. But not today.... Not when your feeling like this. You just wanted school to end so you could go home and lay down on your bed.

You lay your head down on the desk and turned your head towards the window. It was snowing lightly, and the clouds was blocking the sun making the day look darker. You sigh and decided to close your eyes. Luckily there was a really big kid sitting in front of you or you would've been in trouble by now. 

Not long before you closed your eyes that you felt someone tapping your shoulder. You peered back and saw Nathan's face. His head was also on his desk. His eyes seems bigger and his lips pursed out. "Why aren't you taking notes missy?" He asked. 

"I don't feel like it today" You replied. 

He faked a gasp, "Luna? The queen of taking notes doesn't feel like it today? I'm shocked!" 

You giggled quietly and sigh, "Not today... Too tired." 

"Are you sick?" He extended his hand to feel your cheeks. You blushed and lightly pushed it away. "I'm fine, just tired." 

 "Why don't you take good care of yourself?!" Nathan whispered. 

"I DO!" You stated. 

"Not enough!" He joked. "Here's a good idea. Siince Christmas and New Year is near, why don't we have a party to celebrate to bring up your mood"  You beamed and nodded at the idea.

The bell finally rang and you gathered your stuff. Nathan had to run somewhere else but he had promised to discuss about the party later. You wandered around in the hallway since it was your free period. You walked outside behind the school. The cold wind blew on your face. You tightly wrapped your scarf around your neck hiding your nose and mouth. Good thing you check the weather report everyday or you would've been freezing. 

You walked around, taking in the fresh, cold air. You decided to sit down on a nearby bench but jumped right back up when you sat down. *COLD COLD* You jumped up and down to get the numbing feeling to go away on your butt. *Stupid bench* You puffed out your cheeks in anger. 

"Help..." For a brief second, you thought you heard someone said something. You looked around but no one was there. Once again, the same voice spoke. You turned around and finally saw someone running. 

"Help!" The girl stopped in front of you. She was trying to catch her breath before speaking again. "Can you please help me get my bag down?" 

You nodded and followed her. Like she was telling you, her bag was hanging down a tree branch. "Y-You want me to get that?!" You stuttered and she nodded. You didn't want to disappoint her so you obliged. 

You didn't dare tell her about your fear of height since she looked so helpless. Slowly you climb the tree, making sure you were secure before moving upwards. After grabbing her bag, you made your way down and handed it to her. 

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK SOO VERY MUCH! This bag means alot to me and if you didn't get it down, i dont know what i would've done. Thank you" She gleefully jumped around hugging her most prized possesion. She remembered that you were still standing there and recomposed herserf.

"Hi, my name's Carol, you?" She held out her hand. You slipped yours in and shook it lightly. "I'm Luna... Nice to uh... meet you." You were kind of scared at her weird and hyper personality. But at the same time envious because you wanted to be like that instead of the shy girl you were. 

"Nice to meet you too! Would you mind telling me where the principal's office is?" She asked in her high pitch voice. You motioned her to follow you as you walked back into the school. 


"Luna? What are you doing here?" A voice emitted from behind you. You turned around and saw Jacob walking out of the principal's office. 

"Me?! What are YOU doing here?" You repeated his question.

He chuckled, "Tsk tsk, I'm the student council president." Your mouth formed an 'O' shaped and looked down at the ground in embarassment. "I see you found our new transfer student." 

You raised your head up and smiled at Carol. "Yea i guess soo. She asked for directions to the principal office, i helped, and here we are." 

The front desk lady cleared her throat and shoo-ed us out since we were making a loud 'ruckus' talking. Jacob then officially introduce himself to Carol and asked her some questions as to why she wanted to transfer over. She talked about how her old school wasn't a great enviroment to learn in so her parents decided to move her into this school. 

"So Luna," Jacob turned his attention back towards you. "Would you mind coming along with me to give Carol a tour?" 

Suddenly, your phone rang a familiar tune and your grandmother's name was flashing on the Caller ID. "I have to take this. Sorry Jacob, maybe next time. It was nice meeting you Carol, see you around!" You flipped your phone open and pressed the Call button. "Hi granny---" 

"YAH NO PHONE IN SCHOOL! I'M GONNA HAVE TO REPORT YOU!" Jacob yelled across the hall, half joking half serious (serious about the no phone not the reporting of course). 

You turned around, stuck out your tongue at him, and turn back around to the place where you were heading. 

Jacob turned back to Carol and said, "Shall we start?" Carol nodded, "Of course! More time for us..." She mumbled the last part. 

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's go!" 


A/N: YAY!! Another fun filled chaptered! I noticed i haven't put Taylor in the story in a while, so maybe next chappie? Comment = Love :D 

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