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This is important, so you need to read all of it. I MEAN IT YOU DORKS I KNOW SOME OF YOU WONT BUT DO IT.

I've decided to not continue this book anymore, simply for the reason that 1, I have no motivation to complete it and 2, I just... don't love the ships anymore.

Yeah, I could continue without all the gushy stuff, but the more I think about it, I've realized I've been depending on the romance bits to move along the story.

Now, I am definitely going to anger some people with this next bit, but I want to tell you guys why I think quinterwatcher is just... not great.

For all three of them, its just so dramatic and it hurts all of them too much. Like Winter hates himself so much for liking her, Qibli is so panicked that Moon might not like him, and Moon was just so pressured to choose someone even with all of the pressure of being exposed with her powers.

Why I don't like Moonbli: They're just... too perfect. Yeah, I get that's not a great reason, but whenever they argue they cool off and immediately resolve it and that would never happen. Idk, maybe it's just me because I love the angst in everything, but they're just so freaking happy all of the time it kind of makes me sick. 

And then there's the fact that Qibli's life turns out perfectly. (I'm talking before the third arc because I want to) He had a terrible family, and then he found a new one, got close to Thorne and power, and then got the girl of his dreams, and there's basically no problems to his life other than having to deal with his mother in the dungeon. I'm not in love with it, but he himself as a character is amazing, I'm not dissing on him, I just think he could have been more rounded out.

Why I'm not in love with Winterwatcher anymore: yeah, I was probably planning on having this be the result of the love triangle but then I thought about it and it doesn't make sense.

Okay, so listen, on Winter's side, he was such a messed-up person, and Moon finally gave him the kindness he never experienced with his family. All around, she would have helped him in numerous ways, and he would have turned out great.

Moon on the other hand... he would not have been great for her mental health. I know Winter has anger issues and he never means to hurt her, but he would be so degrading that she'd probably get heavy depression or something. It's a good ship and I used to love it because of the imperfections, but again, it's not a symbiotic relationship.

Now, since I'm not continuing it, I'm giving permission for you to use anything in the story if you ask. Also, if you guys want, I can tell you all what I had planned and explain the prophecy.

So yeah, that was what I have to say. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in this book anymore

Also I am absolutely terrified to read this because I wrote it when I was twelve or something and oh my gosh I was cringe then.

I love you all so much, thank you for your continual support and the..... what the heck?! Bro my book was not that good! but holy crap thanks for almost 10k reads. 

You guys were amazing AND IM GOING TO MISS YOU CRAZIES!! <3

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