Chapter 20

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   Something we hadn't really thought through was how to get to Russia. Luckily- and for some reason- Winter volunteered his plane. 

   "You have a plane?" Kinkajou asked disbelievingly. Winter rolled his eyes.

   "Of course, I do. I'm royalty." He picked up his phone, and made a call. 

   Two days later, we were about to get on his plane. Winter's foot was tapping rapidly as we waited. I heard a loud crash, followed by some yelling.

   "Oh my gosh," I muttered, standing up. I quickly walked around the bend and saw Carnelian arguing with someone. She looked at me and then gestured at me, using a few choice words. As I got closer, I heard,

   "-and I'm with them!" The man didn't back down.

   "Miss. This is a private-" Carnelian interrupted him.

   "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! I'M-" I walked next to Carnelian.

   "She's with us, sir." I linked arms with her- which she tensed at- and lead her away. As soon as we were out of view, she yanked her arm away. I looked at Carnelian. "What made you change your mind?" I asked. She frowned.

   "The school was boring and I might actually learn something on this trip. Last thing I needed to do was to listen to Webs jabber in a room all day;" I scanned her head, but quickly stopped as soon as I started. I nodded and walked her over to the terminal where the rest of the winglet was. Kinkajou jumped a little as she saw Carnelian. Then she ran over and hugged her tightly.

   "I am SO GLAD you decided to come!" she exclaimed. Carnelian made a face and pushed Kinkajou away. Kinkajou didn't notice. She bounced over to me and whispered loudly in my ear, "I'm so glad she came!" I chuckled.

   "I noticed." Qibli coughed awkwardly, turning our attention to him.

   "Plane's here," he said, jabbing his thumb at a window.

   Winter grumbled, "Finally." Kinkajou looked at me.

   "Is it just me or is he getting worse?" she asked. I didn't know. Ever since Winter had found out, he was avoiding me at all costs. He never talked to me unless I asked him a direct question, and even then, his answer was always rude.

   "I don't know," I replied. Winter picked up his bag and walked into the airway, letting us know that it was okay for us to go on. Carnelian pushed us out of the way and went in after him. I followed her, shouldering my bag. I felt a slight breeze as I went in the airway.

   When I got to Winter's plane, the pilot, who was a Blizzard, glared at me and gave me a look. Winter's face went icy and distant as he went over to the pilot. They talked for a few moments before Winter turned to Turtle. He told Turtle something, and then sat down. I felt confused as Turtle said,

   "Winter thinks that it might be best if you sit in the back." I bit my lip, my eyes flickering to his stiff posture. Nodding quickly, I made my way to the back.

   I set my bag down near my feet, and looked out the window. Resting my elbow on the wall, I put my head on my hand. Kinkajou walked over.

   "Do you know what's wrong with him?" she asked me. I shook my head, not feeling like talking. Ever since Winter had found out about my powers, his mind was like ice. As soon as I went in- not on purpose, mind you- I slipped back out as though I was on a slide.

   "Are you doing okay?" she asked, concern filling her voice. I shrugged.

   "I don't know," I said quietly. Kinkajou gave a little sigh and sat somewhere else. The plane started to move, and when we were in the air, I suddenly felt tired.

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