Chapter 8

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   I stretched. It was after the school day was done so we had a few hours of free time before lights out. I was spending it on a blanket, watching the spring clouds and reading my new Blizzard book. I flipped the page, thoroughly interested. There was so much history in this book! I had already learned about the first recorded queen.

   Honestly, she was a little scary. She delighted in war and especially freezing anyone who would disobey her. Right now, I was learning about a person named Frostbite. She was an animus and had magic. Apparently, the Blizzards had magic and only used it once in their life. She made a tree that grew globes of light and I could not have been geeking out more. Imagine, plucking off a giant grapefruit that glowed! It was seriously so cool.

   I was almost done with the page when someone coughed awkwardly.

   I looked up. It was Winter, who was thinking about why on earth I would be reading a Blizzard book. I smiled.

   "Hi. Can I help you?" Again, suspicion flared but he straightened up.

   "Yes, I need help with history. You seemed like you knew a lot about it." His tone had a hint of disdain in it which made me flinch. I stood and said hesitantly,

   "Sure. But I might not be able to help you with the Nightfall or Sandith tribe." He twitched as I picked up the blanket, folding it. "I will need to put this back in my room first." He nodded and started to walk over to the garden doors.

   We certainly gathered many eyes for reasons I didn't know. Winter shot into the air and over the railing as he thought,

   Why did I ask for her help? She's a Nightfall, by all the snow monsters! She'd better hurry up. I decided that it would be better to fly up as well.

   I flew gently up, the complete opposite of Winter's harsh movement. As soon as I landed, Winter started off on the direction of the Jade Winglet's wing. I jogged to catch up with him and quickly fell into his stride. His mind was muttering furiously, 

   Don't you DARE touch her! Or look at her! You're a disgrace of the royal Blizzard lineage! You shouldn't even be with her AT ALL! Mother will have your guts on a platter when you get home!

   I flinched. I still couldn't tell if he hated me or Nightfall's in general but he clearly was having an inward battle constantly. We walked into the wing and I quickly dropped off my blanket and book. I closed the red door behind me and looked at the one across from mine. It was open wide, clearly stating that I could walk in.

   I did so but was hit with a small wave of confusion. There were two doors that looked exactly the same. Wait, no. One of them was cracked and I was Winter moving around in there. I walked over to it and knocked hesitantly, pushing the door open as I did so. Winter was obviously cleaning up so I studied the room.

   Everything was blue, white, or gray. The floor was a soft white carpet, the walls and ceiling were a cool gray, and his bed was an icy blue. There was also a dark gray coffee table with two navy blue beanbags near it.

   "Nice room," I complimented. He snorted as though my opinion was a lie. Winter pulled out a few history books and dropped them onto the table. I walked over to it and sat down on one of the beanbags, Winter sitting on the other. "Which era is this?" I asked while flipping through the pages of one.

   "Two thousand years ago. The Oceanic tribe." I quickly remembered what I had learned from my books at home. I started listing off famous Oceanic's from that time period.

   "There's Queen Lagoon, Indigo, Albatross," I tapped my hand on the book. "There's also Queen Pearl, Fathom-" He stopped me there.

   "Him." I looked at Winter.

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