Chapter 7

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   "It's MORNING!" Kinkajou sang. "Isn't that WONDERFUL?" Kinkajou jumped on top of me, jolting me awake.

   "Oof! You're heavy!" I said from my spot under her. She quickly got off, giggling.

   "What do you expect from a sixteen-year-old?" she snickered. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I was a little surprised that she didn't mention our conversation last night. Once she saw that I was up, she pranced out of the room. I heard a door open, a scream, and then some yelling. Oh, three moons. She went to wake up Carnelian. I stood up quickly and looked into Carnelians room. She was currently glaring on what appeared to be empty space.

   "Are you okay?" I asked. She scowled, then shoved past me and into the bathroom. Kinkajou popped back into view, grinning and struggling to control her laughter. "Are you okay?" She nodded.

   "Oh yeah, totally! I went invisible and jumped onto her bed. It was HILARIOUS!" She broke down into giggles, with an occasional snort. I started to laugh quietly, too but I quickly stopped when the bathroom door opened and Carnelian stormed out. I stepped out of her doorway and she went in.

   "I'm going to get dressed," I said to Kinkajou. She gave me a thumbs up and went into her own door. I rolled my eyes and quickly picked an outfit. Dark denim jeans that had small rips at the knees- I'll need to replace those-, a form fitting light purple shirt with sleeves that reached my elbows, a gray sweatshirt, and because I like to exercise, a Fitbit. I quickly slid on my new vans that Mother had brought me the day before we left. They were a mix of black and silver, reflecting my looks.

   I slid my library card into my jean pocket and checked my phone. No messages from Mother. I let out a disappointed sigh, dropping it back into the nightstand drawer. I could hear Kinkajou and Carnelian still in their rooms. I quickly looked at my Fitbit, checking the time. Oh, shoot. We were going to be late. I knocked on Kinkajou's and Carnelian's doors, saying loudly,

   "We're going to be late." Carnelian shot out as fast as a Flameiac could go, but Kinkajou didn't say anything. I waited for a minute before cracking the door a little bit. "Kinkajou?"

   "Oh, thank you. I need your help!" I opened the door some more to see her holding up two different bracelets. "Which one looks better? I really can't decide!" I looked at her outfit and barely stopped myself from wincing. She was wearing violet pants and a vibrant lime green shirt. I said,

   "You don't need anything else. What you're wearing already has enough going on." She looked down at her clothes and shrugged.

   "Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, let's go!" She snatched my wrist and pulled me out the door. When we were out of the dorm, I stopped in my tracks. Kinkajou gave a small sigh, thinking,

   And you said we needed to go. I giggled a little.

   "Sorry, I think Winter is still in his room." She didn't miss a beat.

   "Okay, I'll let you go get your true love." I stumbled over nothing, earning a laugh from Kinkajou. Before I could scold her, the Tropic skipped away, thinking joyful thoughts. I focused on Winters shiny thoughts so I could pinpoint the room he was in. His dorm was across mine with a gray door. I walked up to it and knocked. Something dropped and I heard a curse.

   Qibli, always coming at inconvenient times. I was about to say that I wasn't Qibli when Winter opened the door. 

   I took in a sudden breath. I must have caught him in the middle of a workout because he wasn't wearing a shirt. Now, I could clearly see how strong he was, judging by the size of his bare arms. I felt an impulse to touch him, but I quickly stomped out the feeling. The embarrassment didn't leave though, showing on my checks by blushing fiercely.

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