Chapter 21

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(Back to Moon's POV)

   I worried on one of my fingers as we landed. There wasn't any snow, but I was fine with the cold weather. What I was really scared about was the Blizzards.

   A few times, I picked up something about a feud between Nightfalls and Blizzards from their minds, but whenever I approached another Nightfall student, they said they had to be somewhere. Every. Time. I felt like being here was only going to increase tension between our tribes, but I didn't even know what happened.

   Qibli touched my shoulder. I looked at him.

   "It's going to be okay," he said, trying to comfort me. I smiled at him, then returned my gaze to the window. Even though Qibli and I were dating, it still felt like we weren't that close. I pushed the thought out of my head.

   It just needs time, I told myself. Kinkajou tapped Carnelian on the shoulder, waking her up instantly. She frowned at me, then stood up, grabbing her bag. 

   The side door opened, but instead of an airway, stairs unfolded that led to the ground. Carnelian was about to get out first when Winter grunted, and Carnelian stepped back with a mock bow. Winter frowned as he passed her. I followed close behind him with Qibli on my tail.

   I took in a deep breath of the icy air, feeling myself relax. Qibli, however, was not as pleased.

   "By all the snakes! Why is it so freaking cold!" he yelped as he stepped out of the plane and felt the cold air.

   "You should be glad we didn't come in January," Winter retorted. Then Qibli smiled.

   "Because it would be Winter?" he teased. Winter scoffed and rolled his eyes. Qibli looked back at me, shrugging. "What?" I shook my head at him, smiling.

   There was apparently an airstrip inside of the castle walls, where we landed. I looked around at the palace. It looked as though as it were made of ice, but it was impossible to carve something this big. I remembered the Blizzard history book, and the animus twins who made it. There weren't any names but this was their gift to the tribe. 

   Glancing around the airstrip, Winter frowned. He thought,

   Usually a welcoming party. Well, no. But there's always guards. Winter started walking to a pair of large doors that appeared to be made of solid snow.

   Suddenly, Winter stopped in front of the doors and turned to face us.

   "Before we go in, you have to do exactly as I say." I nodded, but noticed that everyone else was more hesitant. He continued, "Do not address me without my title or touch me. Do not talk about anything except for what we are here for. Do not speak unless spoken to. Don't joke or mess around." That one, he looked at Qibli. "Don't touch anything or go anywhere unless me or another Blizzard is with you.

   "Do not, and I repeat, do not anger Queen Glacier. When you see Her Majesty, you will bow and then stand quietly as I explain to her why we are here. If you break any of these rules, it will reflect back to me and I will be punished severely."

   I reached out to Winter a little bit, but then shoved my hands into my pockets, remembering one of his rules.

   "Why didn't you tell us that when we were in the warm plane?" Qibli asked. Winter rolled his eyes, and turned back to the door. Qibli whispered in my ear, "I feel like I'm three again." I had to smile at his comment. It certainly did feel like we were young toddlers and Winter was a parent reprimanding us.

   Winter opened the doors and went inside. We followed him, and after a second's pause, we started to gather attention. I heard a few things about Qibli and Kinkajou, but nothing about Turtle (who was finally holding himself up like a prince) and Carnelian who seemed as stiff as any of the Blizzards who were standing against the wall. They also noted her scars and decided that she was a fierce warrior that had earned their respect. It was me who gathered the most attention.

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