Chapter 1

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   "Moonwatcher! Hurry!" I snatched my phone off of my nightstand and shoved it into my pocket.

   "Sorry! One second!" I called back. I looked around and found my brush. Running it through my hair, I stared at my reflection. I thought I looked average compared to other Nightfall's. At least, to my mother.

   Black hair, jade eyes, short figure, and pale skin with light freckles. I had an attribute that set me apart from everyone else, according to my mom. I was born with a silver fringe. No matter how I cut it, it was always edging around the tips. I rather liked it, actually.

   My hair reached my lower back, and I had bangs that kind of hid my eyes, giving me a shy look. I set my brush down and picked up my shoulder bag. It was filled with necessities; bathroom products, clothes, and lots of books. Yes, I was a book worm. Books were my only friends while Mother was gone at work, which was all the time. 

   We lived in a cabin, practically in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains of Montana. When she was gone, her trips usually took about a month or two. Sometimes I ran out of food while she was gone so I would grab the bow that hung above the fire place, make a suitable arrow, and go hunting. Now, I was very good at it and always hit dead center with the targets I made from scrap paper and paint. If I wasn't hunting, I was reading. We didn't have a tv, as there's no channels up here, but somehow there was Wi-Fi so I got a phone. 

   "MOONWATCHER!" Secretkeeper yelled. I jumped. She never yelled so I knew it was time. No more delaying. I scurried downstairs where she was waiting impatiently. 

   "Sorry. I was making sure I had everything." Mother gave me a sympathetic smile. Three moons, you mean adding books don't you, she said in her head. I don't know why she says 'three moons.' I guess it was an expression she liked. It had rubbed off me so every now and then I would say it, too.

    "Yeah," I replied awkwardly. She let out an exasperated sigh.

   "You need to stop doing that, remember?" She opened the door and waited for me to walk out. I gripped my shoulder bag tightly, and stepped out. I heard the door close and lock. Mother passed me, saying, 

   "We'll need to fly quickly." Then, she shot up into the trees faster than lightning. I sighed. You never thought about flying, it was just something you did. In some books, you needed to think happy thoughts to fly or imagine that you were as light as air or you even had wings. That wasn't true at all. I pushed off of the ground with my toes, making myself hover. I looked up at the evergreens. I pushed off nothing and catapulted into the sky. 

   Jade Mountain Academy was swarming with people. Why my mother signed me up for this, I had no idea. She knew that my social skills were terrible but that just added to the mystery. I had practically begged Mother if we could watch from the trees for a little bit, just to see who was there. From my perch, I could hear a few minds twittering but they soon silenced as they walked out of range. I looked at the building again. 

   From what I could see, it looked like a mansion. The walls differed from white to stone, with wood accents breaking up the tones of gray. I could see an observatory in the, I made a quick calculation, West Wing, with a huge glass dome roof. Besides those few things, to me it looked like a prison. 

   "Do I have to go, Mother?" I heard her mind sigh, Always delaying. I was about to speak up when she gave me a look. I snapped my jaw shut and returned my attention to the newcomers. A tall woman with reddish blue hair landed with three shorter people behind her and one in her arms. I skimmed her mind quickly, then immediately felt guilty as I did so. 

   "Queen Coral of the Oceanic's," I recited, remembering my self-taught lessons. Mother smiled at me again. 

   "When you go there, make sure you don't answer everything so people will like you." I sighed. During the flight here, she told me things I should do and not do so I would get friends. 

   "But do I have to go? I like it when I'm with you." I cuddled closer to her. I felt Mother wall her thoughts, hoping that I wouldn't notice. She petted my hair. 

   "I know you do. It's just that you need to be around other people. You're fifteen and have barely any social skills," she said quietly. She paused for a moment before saying, "I like being with you, too." My heart jumped. She does want me!  I thought happily. "It's just I struggle to take care of you and, like I said before, you need people." Mother lifted off of the branch. She put a hand on my face. 

   "It's time. Remember, if you only hear it in your head, don't respond. No one can know about your curse. They won't know what to do with you if they find out. Stay secret, stay hidden, stay safe." Her mantra stuck in my head. It was one of the first things Secretkeeper had said when she found out that I could read minds. I nodded and lifted off the branch, hovering next to her. I gave her a hug and she returned it. 

   "I love you, Mother," I said. She didn't reply but I did hear from her mind, I love you, too, my little Moonwatcher. I looked at her eyes one last time before Mother let go. 

   "Now, go learn something for me." I nodded. Turning, I swooped down to the platform, and, to my unknown future. 

So! What do you think for my first chapter? Let me know!

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