Chapter 6

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   When Kinkajou asked me if I wanted to sleep over in her room, I would never have expected the late-night conversations to go in this direction. Of course, I didn't say no because she was the first person to show me kindness, but if I had known, I would have said no. She had asked,

   "Sooooooooooo! What do you think of Quinterwatcher?" I literally spat out my drink.

   "What?" I exclaimed, panic spilling into my voice. Kinkajous face was filled with amusement with hair bright yellow. "Where did you get that?" She gave me a cheeky grin.

   "Oh, it's SO OBVIOUS!" She rolled over so her head hung over her bed. "When Winter came into class, you were so totally smiling! And when you were sitting next to Qibli at the cookout, he was absolutely beaming and you were smiling too but in a shy way. You could not have made it easier to tell." She was marking off everything on her fingers, my eyes widening with every single one. 

   "Three moons," I muttered.

   Oooooooooo! She so totally does like them both! She just doesn't want to admit it! This is going to be great! Kinkajou screamed in her head. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

   "Was I really that obvious?" I needed to be absolutely sure. She nodded, still grinning. I sighed. "Oh, stars. Do you think they noticed?" I asked. Kinkajou popped back up, rubbing her chin comically.

   "No. I don't think so, but I'm not the best at reading boy facial expressions." I made a pained expression, making Kinkajou laugh.

   "We should probably go to bed. I'm tired," I lied. Kinkajou pouted her lip.

   "I want to stay up and talk boys." I immediately shook my head.

   "I am definitely going to bed." She laughed as I slid into the sleeping bag. Next thing I knew, I was asleep.

   The dreams were immediate. Mother didn't know because that would only make her worry more. Most of the time, I had a peaceful, dreamless sleep, but when I didn't, the dreams were scenes of the future.

   I was in a forest, hiding in a tree. Someone was laying on the ground, blood pouring out of her chest, staring aimlessly into nothing. It was Kinkajou, I realized with a shiver. Someone was standing over her, knife in hand. I didn't see any details but they looked up at the tree next to mine and dove into it. Someone shouted out but was quickly silenced as their body fell out of the branches. I couldn't tell who it was but she was viscously murdered, her throat slit and chest stabbed multiple times.

   Next thing I knew, I was in a village. I stepped back and tripped over something. Oh, three moons. It was a body. Actually, the entire town was littered with dead people all killed in the same way; an arrow through their hearts. Only one person was standing; they were in the center of everyone, bow in hand. They coughed, spurting up blood, making me want to go over and help them. Instead they turned towards me and said,

   "Moonwatcher." No, wait. It was coming from the real world. "Moon, wake up. Please, you're scaring me." I jerked upright, panting like I was insane. I heard a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank the stars. You were terrifying me." I gasped for air, clutching onto an arm. "Moon? Are you okay?" I gasped again. I tried to nod, but instead I shook my head. I turned to face who was holding me: Kinkajou, unhurt and alive. Before I could stop myself, I said quietly,

   "I saw something." Kinkajou twitched.

   "What do you mean?" she said nervously. Oh no. I couldn't not tell her, now that I let it slip. I tried to breath in, failing miserably. I looked straight into her eyes.

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