Important Author's Note

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I AM SO SORRY!!!I feel terrible putting this book on hold! I know I said I would never hold any of my books and I went back on my word. I'm such a terrible person.

I am NOT discontinuing it, FOR SURE (I would probably die if I did). I've just been super busy lately and, admittedly, I don't have any inspiration for it. I mean, I know what I want to happen but I'm having the FREAKING HARDEST TIME putting it in words! I am DEFINITELY planning on finishing this book, but it's not going to be continued as of now.

I hate myself for doing this because I absolutely hate it when books I read go on hold. I cannot tell you how bad I feel for doing this. I probably will keep editing it and all, but not adding on. 

I'm on Instagram now! if you want to check me out, my account is @moontidethehybrid it's just fanart, and tribes for a new book I'm working on. I just joined deviant art too, but you won't find anything on there as of yet  @MoonTideTheDragon

If I do continue to update it, they'll be REALLY. REALLY. SLOW. I know I promised a few of you that the next chapter would be out soon and I kind of want to stab myself in the gut because I didn't keep that promise. I hope that this will suffice for now! 


Dragonets Of Destiny:



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Glory (she looks a little too old in this but it's SUPER FREAKING CLOSE)

Glory (she looks a little too old in this but it's SUPER FREAKING CLOSE)

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