Chapter 14

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(Back to Moon's POV)

   I had to tell them. If I didn't, it was going to tear me apart. Winter and Qibli about my powers. Even Kinkajou didn't know that I had a prophecy. I always could talk to one of the prophecy teens about it but that would be even more terrifying. What to do, what to do? was the question running through my head the entire morning. Winter was too, for some strange reason.

   He wanted to see if I was alright.

   I thought he hated me. 

   Rrrgh, I thought during herbs and healing. We were combined with the Silver Winglet. So many thoughts... I had a perpetual headache the entire time. I, somehow, was caught between a Nightfall named Fearless who kept glaring at me throughout the class, and a Tropic called Ambria who was giving me suspicious glances. Actually, everyone who looked at me was staring from the angry side of the scale.

   I sighed. What am I going to tell them? If I tell them, they'll be crushed, especially Winter. Oh, three moons, Ambria. Calm down! 

   Sepia, a Mudith, raised her hand. "Which mussel did you get all venomed and burned?" she asked, poking the paper in front of her.

   "This one here," Clay said, pointing to the diagram and then to the scar on his right thigh. "That's why I limp, because it was damaged where all these parts are connected. But remember Peril saved my life by burning me here. Otherwise the venom would have spread and killed me pretty quickly." He traced his finger along the paths the viper venom would have gone throughout the figure of the diagram.

   "Ooooooooooooooo," said a few people. I was a little confused. I knew about the Inland Taipan from research at home, but how had he gotten it? I was about to raise my hand when Ambria whispered to me,

   "He got the bite when he was in Africa, ending the war. I was there. Blister gave the vipers to Burn." I looked at her confused. Her eyes remained on Clay. "I'll tell you more later." I stared at her for another moment before Kinkajou said in her head,

   Pay attention. This is really interesting. I gave her a weird look across the class. She was sitting next to Turtle and was very enthusiastic about it. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to Clay.

   Ambria told me to meet her in the gym after school. I did so and had to wait for a few minutes. She finally came into the gym with a notebook in one hand.

   "Hi. I'm Ambria," she said. I nodded.

   "I'm Moonwatcher. But, please call me Moon." She smiled a little bit but she seemed wary. She told me everything, how the prophecy teens gathered all the tribes at Burn's stronghold, how Blister tricked Burn and killed her, everything. She finally finished. "Woah. That's pretty cool. I wish I could have been there." Ambria scrunched up her nose.

   "Trust me, it wasn't as glamorous as it sounds. Any who, why haven't I seen you with the other Nightfall's in China?" I sighed. It seemed as though I had to explain this a lot nowadays.

   "My mother raised me in America." She grinned at me suddenly.

   "Then you and I can be friends," she said cheerily. I smiled shyly back at her.

   "Yeah. Well, I got to go and do homework. Thank you for telling me." She nodded and skipped out of the gym. I bit my lip and went out another door. 

   I sighed, putting my head into my hands. I could not focus. Trying to memorize the different parts of a heart was draining. Picking up my phone, I clicked a music app and then tapped a random channel. A nice beat started to play and I bobbed my head to the beat.

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