Chapter 13

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   I was exhausted. Between the vision, thinking about it, and not sleeping, it was expected. I groaned, rolling onto my side. I screamed.

   "Oh, FINALLY! I've been WAITING for an HOUR!" Kinkajou exclaimed. I breathed breathlessly.

   "Why were you just waiting there?" I demanded. She snickered.

   "'Cause it's funny." I glared at her which she just grinned at. "Okie dokie. I had a few ideas on the vision. First did you see any details from the woman? I think I might know who she is but I'm not sure." I was about to tell her that I honestly didn't know when the pounding sensation came back. I let out a yell and bent forward, feeling tears come. "Moon? Please tell me that you're teasing." I was breathing rapidly when I heard Carnelian yell,

   "That's it! I'm getting my gun!" I gasped quietly and slowly felt the headache leave. Soon, all I felt was tingling at the back of my skull.

   "Kinkajou. Can you please leave? I need to think."

   "But... Moon! After that, there's no way you're getting me to leave!" I stood up shakily, and walked over to the door.

   "Please, Kinkajou. I need to..." I trailed off when I saw Winter standing in front of the open door. I didn't do anything; I just stared. His hair was loose and bouncy instead of his neatly combed style that I always saw. Winter looked... worried. He didn't say anything either. Just calmly looked back at me.

   EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'M JUST GOING TO LEAVE AND LET YOU TWO DO STUFF! Kinkajou's head screamed. She said a quick hello to Winter and walked past him, into her own room. She didn't close the door all the way, I noticed. I breathed a laugh and looked back at Winter. He didn't move. Just... stood there. He finally snapped back into himself and asked,

   "How are you?" I let myself smile at his question. I answered,

   "I'm a little better. Just tired, I guess." He clasped his hands together behind his back.

   "Are you sure? I heard you scream," he pressed. I froze. No. There was no way I was going to tell him like this. Instead, I replied,

   "Kinkajou woke me up. I was not ready to be up and about." I tried laughing lightly. He didn't believe me.

   I know that's not the reason, I heard him think. There had to be something genuinely scary for her to scream like that. I shrugged.

   "How are you?" I asked. Winter seemed a little surprised that I had asked. He quickly recovered over his shock.

   "I'm okay. Just wondering about you." I felt my brow furrow. He was wondering about me? Why? I nodded.

   "Thank you for asking. I'll be right out." I closed the door softly and leaned against it. I had to tell him soon. Qibli too. But how to tell them without them hating me was going to be impossible.  

Winter's bonus POV:

   All I ever thought about was her. It was infuriating. She was an ice-blasted Nightfall, for goodness's sake! But that never stopped my heart jumping annoyingly when she smiled at me. Or whenever I saw her.

   I was also jealous of Qibli.

   He was a lot closer to Moon than I was. And he was the one who had picked her up when she broke down for reasons that she refused say. It made her intriguing and made me want to find out more about her. 

   Qibli also made the most annoying longing faces at Moon when she wasn't looking.

   I could never look at her like that simply because she was a Nightfall. We were enemies. And I didn't deserve her. 

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