Chapter 12

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   I had heard that Princess Anemone was spoiled. I had also seen that when I saw her for the first and brief time on the first day. But now I knew that it was true.

   "Can you tell me where Tsunami is? I know she knows where my tiara is and I need to ask her," she asked a Sandith. The Sandith froze and didn't say anything. That's when I knew I had to find her. I started on the first floor where the prophecy teens rooms were. She wasn't there. When I passed her office, I heard voices spilling out into the hall. It was Sunny and Tsunami, I saw.

   "If it wasn't for Morrowseer, we wouldn't know each other and therefore, the war wouldn't have ended." Tsunami glared at Sunny.

   "You really think that? If I could write him a letter, this is what I would say." Tsunami cleared her throat comically. "Dear Morrowseer. How can someone as lovely as Moon be related to someone as awful as you? Not only are you guilty of faking psychic powers, attempted genocide of all Tropics, being hideous without a license, trying to get Deathbringer to murder Glory, probably also trying to get Deathbringer to murder Sunny, crushing Sunny's dreams, calling Starflight a disappointment, kidnapping innocent Tropics, talking to Queen Thorne without due respect, not reporting Blister for killing Kestrel, making and providing Blister with counterfeit prophecy teens, ordering previously mentioned counterfeit teens to kill Starflight, ordering the destruction of a Flameiac outpost, not being a cheeseburger, letting counterfeit teens try to kill Fatespeaker, not dying at Glory's hands, caring too much about traditions, not being a cheeseburger, creeping out countless people, underestimating Deathbringer and not being a cheeseburger, and for being a frog faced blob of camel spit.

   "You are a verifiable Thorne joke, a cretin with maggots for brains and twigs for limbs, a bloated windbag, a squid brain scammer, a lair, a lazy, worthless jerk, and a moron the size of the sun with the IQ of refried beans. All hail Morrowseer, the supreme lord and master of dull, hollow lies and manure. You are not a cheeseburger. You deserve nothing but the most lengthy and wordy run on sentences. Your ego is the size of a swollen, bloated whale, but in reality, you're about as intimidating as a shrimp, because you're a coward who couldn't just get out of bed and find his tribe a new island, but instead remained on the same one for at least twenty years, as food ran out and people began to starve, and as the threat of a volcano hovered over the heads of each and every Nightfall.

   "But, no. Instead you had to concoct an elaborate plan to steal the rainforest by taking a Sandith conflict and sabotaging all sides until one agreed to side with you, to assist you in invading China and killing or enslaving all of the peaceful, colorful jellybeans who had done nothing to harm you and were the hardest to train for a battle. Excellent plan. Let's bide our time and slowly die as opposed to just flying to a random island in the ocean, or to another tiny island by the Flame Kingdom. There is always, always, ALWAYS a better option than mass murder. Talking to you is like talking to a crayfish! Even a toad would be disappointed with your actions, if toads understood any of this.

   "So, thanks for coming to my ranting TedTalk. Are you enlightened yet? No? Okay: what do you have in common with refried beans? Aside from having similar IQs, not being a cheeseburger, and being incredibly unappealing, both you and refried beans should be thrown into lava, which in turn should be hurled off a cliff, which would sit through a long hurricane like the kind they get on other planets; one that lasts many, many years, perhaps centuries. Lovingly, no, hatingly, Tsunami. A prophecy teen that hates your guts more than anyone else in the entire world because you ruined her life."

   Woah. She really hates Morrowseer. I had heard from Mother's head once her father's name but that was it: Morrowseer. I didn't know what he was like or anything but now I did.

   "You took the time to write that?" Sunny asked, surprised. "Also, 'cheeseburger'? really?" Tsunami scoffed.

   "Please. Who hasn't? And yes, 'cheeseburger' is a term of endearment for me." Sunny rose her hand awkwardly. "Really? You don't hate him?"

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