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​​here it is, idiots, what you've all been waiting for.

I just reread this whole thing and oh. my. gosh. i was the LOUDEST fangirl ever XD.

anyways, i'll start with describing the prophecy!

Two comets collide with ice and sand.

An outcast, a soldier, an advisor will hail.

this was obviously moon, winter, and qibli, if you couldn't tell already.

To save a queen from certain death

Now people thought this was thorn but GUESS WHAT YOU'RE ALL WRONG IT WAS GLORY HAHAHAHHA

By a trusted killer and traitor as he ails.

Ah yes, Deathbringer. He got poisoned deliberately by someone, so basically he's gonna die unless he kills Glory. Don't have anything else to say about this hottie.

Inside his mind, is another of dark,

And will try to escape their prison

Yes, this was darkstalker (oh my gosh wHo cOuLd hAvE gUEsSed?). In this fanfic, as he was turning into Peacemaker, he cast one last spell in which his mind was put into anothers. He chose Deathbringer's head, so now its like he has another voice in his mind that isn't his own. This is how Deathbringer got sick. It's because he was poisoned by himself (aka darkstalker.)

But if they do, carnage will reign

And if he dies, it will be as though peace had never risen.

If Darkstalker escapes, he's never ever getting defeated again and will basically kill everyone that was against him the second time.

However, if they kill Deathbringer to stop Darkstalker from getting out, Glory is basically gonna lose her sanity and just murder everyone.

That was basically the prophecy, and I had forgotten my plan for the rest of the book.

what I had so far for chapter 23:

I left Winter quite happily for a few reasons; one, he had finally opened up to me, and two, he loved me. It made my heart race that I knew he did but it left a problem.

Did I like Qibli or Winter more?

This was one of the reasons I had tried to convince my mother to let me stay at home. Home was safe and everything was familiar. There was certainly nothing there that could trigger my emotions or my prophetic side.

My feet were taking me back to the room where the rest of the winglet was, but my mind was floating farther away. I kept wringing my hands as I was thinking,

Come on, Moon. There must be a logical explanation for all of this. I was so deep in thought that I didn't the approaching footsteps until a cold hand wrapped around my neck, lifting me off the ground. I gasped as Narwhal growled,

"What have you done to my son?" I tried wrenching his fingers off, but they only tightened. I attempted to make a reply, such as, 'I didn't do anything' or 'Why would I?' but he didn't care about my answer. He only wanted to see me writhe in pain.

Looking into his eyes, a headache ushered in a vision.

There was green. Life flowing from everywhere you looked. There was a Tropic searching gathering fruit with a blissful expression. I was shocked back into reality when Narwhal thought,

Stupid Nightfall. They should have all died on their cursed volcano. Just then, Winter came around the corner and froze when he saw what was happening.

"Father!" he cried, seeming unsure if he should come over and force the hostile Blizzard to let go of me or to try and convince his father with words. Narwhal glared at Winter. The two Blizzards stared at each other as my vision started getting fuzzy. When Winter realized that I was on the verge of a blackout he made his decision and he started quickly striding over to me and Narwhal.

"Let her go!" Winter said, glaring at his father.

Narwhal sneered, "And why would I listen to you?"

"I brought her here, so she is a guest. She isn't to be hurt."

Narwhal stared at his son then let go of my throat. I collapsed to the ground, gasping. Winter shifted his weight in an attempt to help me out, but Narwhal grabbed his shoulder roughly, stopping him.

"Icicle was right, wasn't she?" he growled.

"What?" Winter asked, pulling out of the older Blizzard's grip.

"She saw you with the Nightfall."

Winter tensed, looking at me then down the hall like he'd seen something. I looked over to where he was looking and saw a female Blizzard standing at the end of the hall. She glared at Winter then at me and then walked around the corner.

Narwhal growled darkly, I looked back at the Blizzards. "Get out of here. You are no longer welcome in the palace. Nor are you my son." He looked over his shoulder, shooting a withering glare at me then passed Winter, his thoughts angry and violent. 

Qibli comes by and they're all like "YUP TIME TO LEAVE" so they go to the jungle since it's nearby. At first everything is normal, then they find out the people have been dying. Like, a lot of people. Eventually, they find Deathbringer (currently being possessed by Darkstalker) after he killed a lot of people in a village.

I cant remember anything else I had planned after this, so whatever else happened is up to you.

If you want, you can take my fic and continue it as long as you credit me, but besides that, knock yourselves out.

I've moved to a different account where I'm not bombarded by my comments from fanfics I read AGES ago, so feel free to follow me on it.

It's a DSMP account because that is what I am now obsessed with. Have been for over a year.

The account: CasuallyNotCrazy 

Anyways, love y'all and I hope to see you on my other account.

Also, apparently this fanfic could have been in the wattys 2022????

With that, I declare this fan fiction officially complete.

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