Chapter 5

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   What? Talk about me? I wasn't even remotely interesting. So why in the entire world would Winter want to talk about me? As far as I could hear, no one had seen my expression of absolute terror before I could fix it, but I did notice flares of curiosity and confusion in almost everyone. Qibli saw me though.

   Oh, camel farts. Winter's such a blockhead, picking on her for no reason. Tsunami raised an eyebrow.

   "Now why on earth would you want to know about her?" She directed the question to Winter. Then she realized what she said. "No offense, Moon," Tsunami apologized. I barely heard her, because I was listening to Winter's thoughts.

   Because she helped me even though we're enemies. Because she lived in a cabin and not on the volcano. Because she's not like any Nightfall I ever met. Because she's probably the only Nightfall I could trust. 

   Winter ignored Tsunami and turned to me. I widened my eyes, not entirely sure if I should answer whatever he asked.

   "First, how did you grow up off of the volcano, away from all of the other Nightfall's?" Oh, three moons. It was terrible to have seven pairs of eyes staring at me.

   "Winter," Tsunami warned. Qibli's hands were twitching, one letting sparks fly and the other dripping black venom. I was breathing weird; one short breath and then a long one. Winter folded his arms, pinning my gaze. I whispered,

   "I don't know why my mother decided to make me grow up away from this island everyone is mentioning." Winter's thoughts were doubtful but decided to move onto the next question.

   "What do you know about the current events?" I paused to think it over.

   "All of my history books were apparently very outdated. Everyone single book was from fifty-years ago and my mother never bought me more history stuff except for the new queens. But now that I think about it, there was no mentioning of the Sandith's. Kinkajou told me last night about the Sandith Queen Succession. That was the first I ever heard of it." I was mumbling all of my sentences, making everyone lean closer so they could hear. Winter took in a breath, about to ask something else when Tsunami yelled,

   "Who wants to go hunting? I know I do! No arguing with Head of School; off we go! Great idea Tsunami!" She quickly opened a chest full of hunting items, grabbed a fishing pole and a net, and bolted out the window. I let myself smile that Tsunami was the one to run before I did. Carnelian snorted,

   "Well, that discussion is over." She didn't go to the chest but flew straight out. I quickly jumped up from my chair, walking over to the hunting chest when Winter grabbed my arm. I pushed against the annoying little jump my heart made. He searched my face with his bright blue eyes. 

   "Please let me go," I pleaded quietly. He held on for another second before releasing me. I saw two guns in the chest but I quickly picked a bow and a quiver of arrows. Swinging them both over my shoulder, I jumped out the window after Tsunami. It was so refreshing to be back out in the wild. Even though we had a cafeteria, hunting was probably part of the wilderness survival basics and I was relieved to finally be doing something familiar.

   I flew into the trees in a spot that looked secluded. The moss squished under my feet, a weirdly satisfying sound. I could hear Qibli flying over me, trying very hard to not seem as though he was lingering as I held the bow.

   A twig snapped. I perked up and looked all around in the forest. A shadow shifted to my left and I quickly drew out an arrow. Nocking it, I aimed it at the shadow. It was staring at me so I couldn't get closer; I'd have to shoot it from here. I lined up an eye with the arrow, making sure it was perfect. Taking a deep breath, I released it. It whizzed away and I heard a faint thunk and then the sound of an animal hitting the ground. I half jogged, half flew over the animal.

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