Chapter 10

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   "ALRIGHT! Get up! Tell me EVERYTHING!" someone yelled. I groaned and buried myself further into the covers. That something jumped onto my bed and I yelped.

   "Go awaaaayyyyyy. I'm asleeeeeeeep," I moaned.

   GET UP!!!

   I screamed and fell out of bed. Someone laughed.

   "Oh, WOW! That was FANTASTIC!" they giggled. I groaned and stared at my attacker. Kinkajou. I reached up, grabbed my pillow, and smashed it over my head.

   She laughed, "Come ON! It's only six-thirty!" I mumbled something unintelligible. "What?"

   "It's six-thirty and I was asleep. Now, go away or I'll lock you out of my room!" I yelled. It wasn't as forceful as I thought it would be, given the muffled voice. She just chuckled and wrenched my pillow away from me. Instead of fighting her for it, I pulled down my blanket. Kinkajou snorted.

   "What is it going to take for me to get you up?" she sighed.

   "More sleep," I suggested.

   Argh! Moon! I just want some details!

   I looked up at her, said, "I'll tell you in three hours," and shoved my face back under the blanket. She huffed.

   "You know I'm not leaving until I get some answers." I sighed.

   "Fiiiiiiinnne. Let me change first." She gave me a satisfactory smile and walked out the door, closing it behind her. I got up quickly and locked the door.

   I cannot believe that she fell for that. I picked up my pillow and blanket from the floor and threw them onto the bed. I jumped under the covers and let out a contented sigh and was asleep in a few minutes.

   BANG BANG BANG! I jumped up at the sudden noise.

   "Yes?" I asked.

   "Okay! It's been three hours and now I want to know what happened!" I smiled to myself. As soon as I unlocked the door, Kinkajou barged in and turned to face me.

   "That was a mean trick," she complained. I shrugged.

   "It was the only way for me to sleep." She promptly sat down on the desk chair.

   "Now can you tell me? I have been waiting for hours and I want to know!" I was about to answer when Carnelian yelled through the wall,

   "SHUT YOUR DUMB MOUTHS! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" We looked at each other with wide eyes before we broke down in laughter. My entire body shook from the laughs until it hurt. "I'M NOT JOKING! DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE AND DUCT TAPE YOUR STUPID MOUTHS SHUT!"

   "You have duct tape?" Kinkajou yelled back and started to laugh harder. Carnelian yelled a curse. I managed to stifle my giggles by the time she came in. Her hair was a mess and she had circles under her eyes. 

   "You better have a good excuse," Carnelian growled. She looked at Kinkajou first, but didn't get anything from her because Kinkajou was laughing so hard, so she looked at me instead. I mumbled,

   "She wanted to talk about my date with Qibli." Carnelian deflated a little but her frown deepened. 

   They already went on a ­date? But I... She snarled at me and stomped back out, slamming her door behind her. Kinkajou brought my attention back to her with a cough.

   "Ahem. Details. Cough cough." I wrinkled my nose at her.

   "Did you really just say, 'cough'?" She just grinned at me. "Okay. So, um, we got pizza in Puyallup, and then we flew to Tacoma where I had ice cream for the first time." Kinkajou gasped.

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