Chapter 22

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(A/N Before we start, I AM SO FREAKING SORRY THAT THIS UPDATE TOOK SO LONG TO GET OUT! At first, I was STUCK and then I went on VACAY so I couldn't UPDATE! Now I'm just babbling about nothing. Anyway, the point is I'm sorry and I might need some help for the next chapter. ON TO THE CHAPTER!)

   Qibli shivered dramatically. I pushed his shoulder.

   "It's not that bad." He gave me a look.

   "For you maybe," Kinkajou said through chattering teeth. 

   I sighed, picking up one of the polar bear rugs, and tossing it. Kinkajou snatched it out of the air, wrapping it tightly around herself until she looked like a white burrito. 

   "Got any more of those hiding for me?" Qibli joked. I smiled at him. 

   "Sorry, but no. You might have to share with Kinkajou if she'll let you." Kinkajou widened her eyes and shook her head non-too subtly. I chuckled. 

   Winter had gotten us a room to share. Turtle had his own since he was royalty but he didn't seem quite happy about it. 

   I didn't know where Winter was. I'd tried searching for his mind but every Blizzard's mind reflected off one another's until I'd had a raging headache. He was probably still talking to Queen Glacier but it had been a couple hours. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

   I was dying to go looking for him, to make sure he was okay, but he had told us we weren't allowed to go anywhere. It was frustrating. Deciding to trash Winter's rules, I started towards the door.

   "What are you doing?" Kinkajou asked nervously. I looked back at her. Qibli had scooted over to her so he could feel the makeshift blanket.

   "I'm going outside. I need some air." Qibli stood up immediately and came over to me. I held my hand up to stop him. "You should probably stay here. It's colder out there than it is in here." Qibli made a face that clearly said what he was thinking. He held my hands tenderly.

   "I don't want you getting hurt," he said. I gave him a small smile. 

   "I'll be fine," I said gently. He wasn't convinced. "If I did my best to avoid everyone, will you let me go?" He breathed a laugh.

   "There's no way I can stop you, is there?" I chuckled,


   "Weeeell, not that this isn't very entertaining," Kinkajou interjected, "I'd like some quiet so could one or both of you leave?" I made a face at her, which she only smiled innocently back at me. Qibli chuckled, then dropped my hands. 

   "At least take a jacket," he whispered. 

   "Fine," I relented. I sorted through my bag, then pulling it out I slipped it on. I walked out of the room and headed to the closest exit. I got suspicious looks from the few Blizzards I passed, but I chose to ignore them. When I got outside, I took a deep breath of air. It chilled my lungs, but it was a welcoming cold. My feet sunk a few inches into the snow with a satisfying crunch. As the powder melted and seeped into my sneakers, I wished that I had brought boots. Oh, well. It wasn't terrible.

   When a fat flake landed on my nose, I laughed and spun around in the sudden flurry of a storm. If I had been in Montana, I would have made a snow angel but I felt that it would be the wrong thing to do. My laughter dropped off when I came to the edge of a cliff. I let out a small gasp. 

   It was so beautiful. Mountains and hills folded together, covered with iridescent pine trees that sparkled from the snow weighing down their branches. Further down the mountain side, I could see a frozen waterfall that merged into a shimmering icy lake. Tiny dots could be seen from the ice which might have been small children skating gleefully unaware of all worries or it could have been a few animals, such as a bobcat, a lynx, or an arctic fox. Maybe all three. I smiled, unsure if there was a more beautiful place. I turned my head to the right to see if there were more wonders, but I stopped.

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