Chapter 18

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   When I woke up, I had forgotten about the night before. Everything was... normal. But then I sat up, stretched, and hit my hand on the wall; my injured one. I winced and looked at my hand; at the bandage. The night before came rushing back.

   I worried on one of my fingers. What was I going to do? My hands trembled, and I looked down at the covers, wondering if there was enough blanket to bury myself and never come out. I hadn't ever experienced anything like this.

   Deciding to face the problem, I got out of bed, and quickly got dressed. When I opened my door, I looked back at my bed longingly. I shook myself, and walked to the dorm door. I paused, with my hand on the doorknob.

   You need to be strong, Moonwatcher, said a voice, very much like Mother's. I straightened my back, made a determined face, and went out the door where I collided with Qibli who was standing there.

   "Don't say anything," he said quickly as I stumbled back. He spoke fast, as if hoping his spoken words would drown out his thoughts, but those were only a mirror of his speech, as though he had practiced what he was going to say a few times over. "Not yet, give me a chance. Listen, I'm sorry about anything you've heard in my head. I wish I could shut it off or that I was a nicer person on the inside, but I guess it's too late and you already know how I am. I don't know what it's like for you to be hearing everyone all day. I do want you to know that I really do like you and that I'm here to help with whatever was going on last night."

   He took a deep breath, and now I could hear the struggle he was going through: Should I run away from her, or stay? Find a way to be friends or maybe something more, or warn the world about her? Trust her... or not?

   I froze, then remembered something. "Wait one second. You can come in here while I get it." I went back to my room and opened the door as Qibli stayed in the main area. I went over to my nightstand and pulled the drawer out. There was a small, leather, brown bag which contained the rocks. Turtle called them sky-fire and had kept one for himself. I picked it up quickly and went back to Qibli who was sitting on the couch. I tugged on the mouth of the bag as I sat next to him. "Before we talk about anything else, I need to give this to you." I pulled out one of the rocks and pushed it into his hand. His thoughts fuzzed out.

   He looked confused. "Moon, what-"

   I interrupted him. "It blocks my mindreading." Realization dawned on him.

   "Wow. Moon. Thank you. That's very cool." I smiled a tiny smile. He smiled back at me and slid the sky-fire into his pocket. "Do you have any more?" I nodded, and he held my hands. "Can you tell me what you were saying last night?" I sighed and slumped back into the cushions.

   "It was a prophecy." Qibli sucked in a breath. I pulled one of my hands from his to cover my eyes. "It was my first one so I don't even know what to do. I only saw Kinkajou's face. But..." I paused. If I could read his mind, he'd probably hoping that I would tell him. "The woman who was killed, she was a Tropic. So, I think that that might help. Do you think really think that we can figure it out?" I asked, although I could guess.

   "Isn't that what your powers are for?" he said. "If I could read minds and see the future, that's what I would do- stop bad people before they hurt anyone. Why else would you be able to do what you can do? Don't you think that's why you have them?"

   I had never thought of my powers quite that way. All I'd ever heard from my mother was that they were a curse, a dangerous condition, and I should hide them.

   But they were something entirely new in Qibli's shimmering mind: a tool I could use to help and protect people. If I used them wisely.

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