Chapter 15

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    I was on my third date with Qibli. We had just watched Wonder at the Regal South Hill Cinema. It was a beautiful movie. Apparently, it was the first time Qibli had seen it too.

   Now, we were just walking around behind the theater where it was quiet.

   "So, what are your plans for when you finish school?" Qibli asked. I thought over the question.

   "I don't know. I can't just go back to my cabin, no matter how amazing it is. I might just go live with the other Nightfalls in China or become a teacher here, I suppose." I shook my head. "I guess I've never really thought about it."

   He nodded. "That's interesting." I poked his arm.

   "What about you? You can't expect me to answer and then not ask you the same question." He laughed out loud.

   "I'm going back to Queen Thornes palace to help her run the kingdom. I think I already said that at the first discussion class." I smiled, then felt a fat drop of water hit my nose. Looking at Qibli, I grinned.

   "It's going to rain," I said. Just like that, another drop hit me. Then it started to pour. I laughed out loud as Qibli grabbed my hand and tugged me over to an evergreen tree. He pulled us under just as another wave of rain came down. I laughed again, smelling the pine around my head. There wasn't a lot of room under the tree so we had to duck and were standing close together. I sat down, leaning my back against the trunk. Qibli followed, grinning like I was.

   "How'd you know that was going to happen?" he asked. I shrugged.

   "I've lived in a forest my entire life. I can just... tell." The corners of his eyes crinkled up as he smiled even wider. I suddenly had a question. "Where'd you get your scar?" I asked. I reached over and rubbed the small whitish pink line under his left eye. He froze a little.

   "Well... um... you don't really want to know." I continued to rub his scar.

   "But I asked. That means I want to know." He paused, before taking a deep breath.

   "Um... well..." he stuttered. "my mother gave it to me. She... well. Let's just say I made a mistake and she got mad about it." My smile dropped a little.

   "I'm sorry," I said quietly. He looked away, into the rain.

   "It's okay. But now I know that nothing can please her." His brown eyes unfocused, as though he was looking into a memory. I couldn't hear anything from his head; it was as though he put a wall around thoughts, so he wouldn't have to hear them himself. Unexpectedly, he chuckled. "I never thought I would say this, but man am I grateful that Sirocco and Rattlesnake came in to steal me away." I let out a short laugh.

   Qibli eventually looked back at me. He tucked a loose hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering. I could feel my smile getting less goofy and more real. Qibli took in a deep breath, as though he was going to say something.

   But he didn't.

   He kissed me.

   At first, I was a little surprised but I quickly pushed it away and leaned into him. I could feel his heart rushing though his shirt. The pine tree was a comforting smell and seemed to only enhance the scene. He was moving gently, as though anymore pressure would cause me to break. The kiss was so sweet and tender, that when he pulled away, I found myself wanting more.

   "Wow," I whispered. His smile was gentle, not his usual goofy ones that made you want to laugh right there; it was kind. He looked into my eyes. He leaned forward when a car alarm went off. I laughed out loud. Qibli joined in.

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