Chapter 17

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(Alrighty. I added another paragraph to the chapter before this. Go read it so that this will make more sense. OR you can not listen to me and be lost for a bit while you read this. Ugh. Sorry that I'm being rude. It's been a bad day. I'd rather not talk about it. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Also, I update my past chapters sometimes so if you reread it, I bet there's something in there that you haven't seen before. Anywho, ONTO THE CHAPETAH {<- my weird way of saying 'chapter'})

   It was the same pain I had felt with my vision. My legs turned to jelly and I crumpled to the ground without making a sound. Winter called out but I didn't understand what he said. I clutched my head, feeling the same weight I had when I was at the other lake, only this time, I didn't say anything, just stayed quiet.

   Someone's hand touched my shoulder, and I jerked away as though they had stabbed me. Their hand was small, so it had to be Kinkajou's. I curled a hand into a fist and slammed it into the ground, stabbing a sharp rock into my hand. I didn't cry out; my mouth opened wordlessly, only to shut again. When the rock hit my hand, the inside twittery world silenced. I didn't care at all.

   As though someone invisible had flipped a switch inside of me, I looked up to the sky, at the full moon. The same message, the same vision, the same prophecy went through my head.

   No. Not now, I thought. I can't let them find out like this. Another side of my head argued, And how were you going to tell them? By waiting for the right time? It would never have come. I couldn't stop the prophecy from coming. The prophecy came out in a loud voice that sounded deep, and dark, and ominous, and powerful, and nothing like my own. Different from the first time when it sounded like me.

   "Two comets collide with ice and sand.

   An outcast, a soldier, an advisor will hail,

   To save a queen from certain death

   By a trusted killer and traitor as he ails.

   Inside his mind, is another of dark,

   And will try to escape their prison

   But if they do, carnage will reign

   And if he dies, it will be as though peace had never risen."

   Then, I said something new. I lapsed back my voice but a little deeper and with the same ominous tone. I looked at Kinkajou and pointed at her. Everything was fuzzy so I didn't see any expressions. I did see, however, her hair that was multiple shades of green mixed with pale orange.

   "I see Kinkajou, murdered on the ground in the forest." I looked away at nothing. "I see the murderer kill a woman in a tree." The scene shifted and I was now in the villiage. "I see a town full of the dead, the murderer in the center of them all, bow in hand. I see two tall figures standing next to me." The scene shifted again, but into something new once again. I looked at the lake. "I see magic, spiraling out of unknown hands, killing all to protect an unknown. I see another mind, pitch black and beyond redemption." I literally saw nothing except hands poking out of a robe enchanting daggers and anything else in sight. The mind was terrifying; they only thought about bloodshed. But the last sight was the worst. "I see true love turn into betrayal and death and war."

   I froze, but was suddenly exhausted.

   I felt dizzy.

   I collapsed and blacked out.

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