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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"ELLE, I'M NERVOUS" I WHISPERED AS ME AND MICHELLE stood outside of the door of the studio we would hopefully be spending most of our time for the next few years

"Olive you have to listen to me, you may be younger but your amazing. I would even say better than me" I laughed at what she said

"She always knows how to exaggerate"

"Don't get carried away" she shook her head with a smile

"I'm being 100% serious I'm mainly contemporary and some hip hop, but you, you somehow do contemporary and hip hop. You're amazing. Now come on, we need to go in" she opened the door and walked in and I slowly walked behind her, letting my hair fall over my face as everyone turned to look at us

"Um.. the auditions are in here right?" Michelle spoke for the both of use I looked around noticing the looks from everyone and folded my arms over myself

"Everyone take 5" the woman added and her and the male beside her walked to us

"Hi" she said reaching her hand to Michelle and the male to me. I shook his hand

"Chris" he greeted

"Olive" he moved his hand to Michelle and shook hers and the woman held her hand to me

"Miss Kate"


"Let's have the discussion in the office" Chris suggested and we all nodded in agreement

"Awesome okay"

"So you two just moved here?"

"Yes we're half sisters, we just moved here from Madison Wisconsin. Our dad got transferred. We do all kinds of styles, but my main ones contemporary and olives does all of them but fully. So she's amazing at all that she does"

"Oh wow, that's great. When did you start to dance?"

"Well our dad was sort of a dancer but he put it aside for his job and I guess it rubbed off on us. We've been dancing our whole lives. Me at 3 and when Olive turned 3 she wanted to aswell"

"I dance because i love it. I love the feeling of the wind hitting your face on turns or the happiness people feel when they watch you. It's amazing and everything what I want to do"

"Hey" we heard a chirpy voice and looked to see a girl walk in. She was really pretty with blonde hair going past her shoulders and a bright smile

"Hey Emily how are you?" Chris greeted

"I'm good" she said to the adults before turning to us.
"Hi, I'm Emily and I'm the dance captain"

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Michelle and this is Olive, I was actually dance captain at my old studio"

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