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"We were currently going the a dance and I have no idea what this rehearsal is for. All I know is we're dancing to brighter brightest and it has to be good"

"Hold it!" Chris told us and we stayed in our final position
"Nice" we clapped as we let go of our positions

"Good job dancers!"

Chris: "you guys like the new song?"

Everyone: "Yeah"

"Do you guys know who the band is?"

"Brighter brightest!" I shouted and covered my mouth

"So for those of you who do or do not know I'm actually good friends with the band and I did their last music video. And they're actually doing another music video and they want some dancers, but not just any dancers our dancers" everyone cheered and I jumped up and down clapping before bringing Michelle into a hug

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, I'm just joking" I deflated and stood there looking at Chris with wide eyes while everyone groaned

"No I'm not get exited!" We all got exited again and I was ecstatic

I love brighter brightest

"How should I act around the band? I mean I want to be co right? So is asking for their autograph kind of uncool? I just want to be cool and-" James put his hand on my shoulder

"Just be chill. Just ask for it" my eyes widened

"I can't just be chill"

"No but being serious, you get nervous sometimes"

"I don't get- okay fine but what do I do?"

"Just relax. Practice on me, ask for my autograph"

"Okay, okay, can I have- why did I say have like that? Gosh" I mumbled

"Okay, that's okay try again"

"Can I-"

"Hey" we heard Chris and we turned to see people walking in

"It's brighter brightest- I'm not rehearsed. I'm not ready!" Everyone walked forward and James got us both to stand in front of them

"Hi" my eyes widened and I went to talk but nothing came out. I looked to James in question and help as the room went silent but there was nothing James could do

"Hello?" They said again. My hand reached to my throat as no sound escaped

No words are coming out. And it's James, all James' fault

"I think she's mute" one of them said. I shook my head still trying to get my voice to work

"Aw that's sweet"


"Alright let's see some free styling" they said and they agreed. James directed my shoulders back to side as I covered my face in shame.

"James you're up" James went first and killed it as always and eventually it was my turn and when I was going up I just stood there

Not moving

At all

"Just like how I forgot to speak, I forgot how to move"

I just froze with my hand to my sides until I eventually I gave up. I put my head in my hands and went back on the side while the next person went up

Once they were all done they all gathered round me and James stayed back

"I can't believe it" I said and moved my arm above my eyes
"I completely made a fool of myself. I'm such an idiot"

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now