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He ended up taking me to a theme park and we was having the most amazing times. We went on rides and competed in some arcade games which we ended up getting pretty competitive about but it was really fun

We were holding hands and stood close together as we walked down the theme park, the sun was setting and some people had decided to head home

"Can we go on there?" I asked looking up at the Ferris wheel, he looked at it and shrugged

"Do you think they'll let your sweets on?" It was my turn to shrug and then we made our way over successfully getting on with my sweets except I had to put them in the bag I was carrying. I was looking around in awe as we were lifted higher in the air and all the people got smaller beneath us

"I had a fun time today" I said to James and he smiled

"You did?"

"Yeah, it was great being here with you" I smiled and he nodded with a large beaming smile across his face

"I knew you would" he said cockily and I laughed at him but it was cut short as he put his hand on the side of my face.

I looked up at him and down at his lips once the urge to kiss him set in

His face got closer by the second until we were face to face with our lips slightly apart and then he broke the distance finally allowing our lips to touch. I lifted my hand up as our lips moved together perfectly and moved them to the back of his neck as he pulled me closer

When we finally pulled away I turned my head slightly flustered and he laughed putting his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him, kissing the top of my head

"This is really the best date ever and I couldn't have imagined it any better"


"The next day I sat in squeezed with Michelle while she asked me questions about my date with James. But i didn't really want to tell her because it was so sacred to me, it just meant a lot between me and James and I wanted it to stay that way"

"Okay okay, can you at least tell me any details. How was it? Did he make a move? What happened?" I sighed giving in slightly

"It was amazing. We did all sorts of things and he was honestly such a gentleman. And yes" I mumbled slightly going red
"We may have kissed" she squealed jumping in her seat

"You kissed?!" I nodded

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you" she said coming up to hug me
"But we should probably get going to rehearsal" she said and Imwe both made our way into studio A

But once we got there I got all flustered once I looked at James. Once he saw me he smiled and held his hand up in a wave and I smiled back before getting completely flushed and he could tell

He laughed slightly and shook his head like I wasn't debating my entire existence

"Hey Olive" James said walking over

"Hey" I mumbled and he chucked

"Can I speak to you?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand before taking me away to the other side of the room
"Your getting all shy" he said

"I'm not" he laughed nodding

"You are, it's cute" he said and that didn't help my red face situation

"I was- I was wondering- are we.. in a relationship?" I mumbled

"Did you just ask me that question?" He laughed

"I'm being serious" I said

"I dont know, do you want to be in a relationship?" I shrugged slightly and nodded

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now