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We all walked into elite while Michelle was talking to her and stood to the side

"You're the only one that's here Michelle" Emily said kinda angrily

"I'm the only one here? Look beside you. We're here as a team" we all walked over to her

Riley:"We're here to get you back Em" I moved to the side as one of the girls glared at be and she smirked shaking her head

"We're all here for you"

"We want you back sis" she crossed her arms

"No. You guys made your bed, now lie in it."

"Good choice Emily" the man that ran the studio said and I shuffled closer to James realising I was almost right beside him

"Your fitting in just fine here. As a matter of fact so fine, I just talked to Amanda about moving you to the front row. Didn't I Amanda?"


"Why would I come back to the next step? To be embarrassed? Betrayed? Hurt? And don't think you would all be here if Daniel wasn't Injured okay?"

"That's not true" Stephanie said

Michelle: "So not true"

"So why don't you all leave now. Now" we all started filing out

"Hey west" Amanda smiled

"Hey" Riley hit him and pulled him out as we all walked out


"Well I don't know what we're doing, but all I know is today was a total disaster" West said

Riley: "We were so close to getting Emily back"

"You guys need to get over your warm fuzzy feelings Emily's not coming back and we need to think about who we're bringing up from B-troupe" James nodded at Stephanie

"Well there's Charlie, Zack, Beth"

"We are not bringing Beth" west shut down

"Okay well I'm just gonna run the plan by Kate and Chris and see how it goes" once she walked off I quickly pulled west aside

"It's about James" I said
"he told me he got a D on his last math test and he's not doing to well on his solo either. I dont even know, i tried talking to him but I just couldn't- I couldn't say what I needed to"

"I wanted to ask one of his own friends to help him out. He's always been there for James and he can probably convince him to focus on his math"

"I know I've been thinking about it too" West said crossing his arms

"Well I was thinking you could talk to him, he will probably listen to you"

"Yeah yeah I could talk to him no problem"

"Thank you"


West walked in the room shaking his head and I could tell James hadn't gave in. I sighed and nodded but thanked him anyways

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