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"Hey guys a reminder your performing your duets for Chris and i tomorrow. Okay, so make sure they're ready. Do you need some inspiration?" Kate asked

"Kate and Chris doing a duet? I didn't see that coming, they're amazing"

"How's that for inspiration?" Miss Kate said out of breath
"Make sure you grab your partners, work hard and kill it like we just did"

"Cause we are way too old for this" we laughed at them and we all got into our groups


"Okay so we go into this, with your arms and then turn out into a kick flip and then we go into hip hop..?" He nodded

"That's actually sick. Okay, go in.. 1, 2, 3".

Once it was done we nodded hi-fiving

"That's good, okay how about a lift?" I raised my eyebrows

"A lift?"

"Yeah we can add it into the contemporary section" I nodded slowly

"Okay which one..?"

"An angel lift? Yeah that one"

"Okay. So what part are we going to bring it into?"

"How about after the spin?"

"Yeah yeah, okay let's try 1, 2, 3. Step, step, spin, up, lift. That's sick. Let's do it again" we stood back and did it again

"We got it. Okay" west walked up to both of us and started talking until Eldon came up aswell

"Hey guys" he said wiping his forehead
"I don't know what to do. I have 2 duet partners"

"2?! Who?"

"Michelle and Emily"

"Man since when? how did that happen? I say go through with Emily man" James said
"Trust me I got 3 sisters"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked

"It means I know a lot about this stuff"

"Well as a female you have to go to who asked you first" I said
"Cause really you shouldn't have agreed to be the second duet partner if you already have one" I said and west nodded pointing to me

"Exactly, listen to her she's right."

"West!" We heard and all turned to see Stephanie calling him


"West! Come here!" West sighed and looked to us with help eyes

"Alright I got to go" he said before walking off

"Yo yo" James said as he saw Emily approaching
"One of your girls are here. Go get it" me and James laughed as he put his arm over my shoulders and we walked away to the water part. We sat watching as they went to walk off but Michelle called him back

"Oh my gosh, he's so done for" James laughed

"Hey hey watch this" me and James stopped dancing as Eldon walked into the room from going with Emily

"I think west should stand up for himself" James said to me and I looked over to see Stephanie bossing him around

"He looks so done" I sighed but then me and James burst out laughing

"She wants a big lift!" James said in a squeaky high pitch voice making fun of her and we both laughed even more and louder attracting the attention of everyone else in the room

"Sorry I got to go to the washroom really quick" Eldon said before running off and me and James dropped to the floor in laughter

About 5 minutes later Eldon came back and Michelle had enough. She ended up getting Eldon to confess what was going on and told him they should be duet partners

"I'll be right back" she said before storming out. Me and James looked to Eldon who knew he was fucked and he held onto me to keep him up. We both laughed as he weighed me down and dropped both of us

"Eldon bro, you're looking huge" James said gaining his attention and putting out in muscles. Eldon laughed slightly

"Why are you so down man?" He sighed

"Eldon!" Emily said walking in and a smile came on eldons face as he looked to her
"Do you like being my duet partner?"


"good because I like being yours and I just think there's so much potential for us to grow, you know closer together" we looked at the door as Michelle walked in and went over to them

"stop talking to him he's my duet partner"

"Look Michelle he doesn't wanna be your duet partner get over it"

"If he didn't wanna be my duet partner why did he say yes?"

"He obviously felt bad for you"

"why would he feel bad for me?"

"Well" Emily moved her hand up and down her frame

"What's wrong with me?"

"I mean the shirt. So Eldon you better pick me"

"You better pick me" I looked between them both as both their arms are crossed and they kind of look alike. Emily laughed and they both went in the other directions leaving Eldon kind of upset

"Help him out" I said and he nodded before going over to him


"right guys can I have your attention please. attention please" Chris said and we all stopped talking
"Miss Kate has something to say listen out"

"okay so we're going to be doing the duets. Are you all good to go? Run it over with your partner? Feeling good?"

"Any volunteers?" Miss Kate said and Eldon raised his hand

"And whose your partner?" He didn't say anything for good few seconds

"you don't know your partner is?" He walks over to Michelle and Emily but instead of choosing them he goes for Chloe who was behind them both.

Their dance was great knowing they didn't have a lot of time to rehearse with it all going on

It was soon mine and James' turn after watching a few others and James squeezed my shoulder as reassurance before going up

(First group)

Once we had all gone Michelle and Emily were left

"Now the 2 that I have on my list that didn't have a chance to perform, last but certainly not least. Emily and Michelle" they both shook their heads obviously hating the idea but then miss Kate and Chris got them to perform on the spot which ended up looking really bad and messy and ended with them storming off

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