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The next day Daniel choreographed a J-troupe routine for a competition they had on the weekend and it was amazing. For juniors they were so good and we was all amazed by them but after Riley got kicked out of E-girls for the changing of placements and Riley was really upset about it

"Right now we are working on the beginning stages of our regionals routine we were just starting early so everything is set up and we are hundred and ten percent ready for when regionals come around."

"That was really really really good. For B-troupe" Emily said one we finished the routine

"I thought we were in A-troupe?" Michelle asked confused

"you're dancing was B-troupe material. So take 5 and we'll be back" but then miss Kate and Chris came out

"before you take five I just wanted to remind you that dance camp in studio A tomorrow so you guys get a day off" everyone cheered

James: "What are you guys planning on doing on your day off?"

"Yeah we should all chill" Eldon suggested

"We've never been to the beach" Michelle said

"Yo let's go to the beach" everyone nodded in agreement

"i'm so excited to go to the beach, me and Michelle haven't spent any time with anyone outside of the studio and hopefully this will solidify some friendships"

"actually the E-girls are helping out with dance camp so we won't be able to join you" Riley asked if she could go dance camp with them but they rejected her send me and Michelle suggested she should come to the beach with us

We all walked onto the beach and put down all of our stuff

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We all walked onto the beach and put down all of our stuff

"I can't wait to start fishing" west said holding up a toy

"Man you can't actually fish with that" James tried

"Uh of course you can. What do you call a pole with a rod and a hook"

"A 3 year olds toy" he ran off to the ocean and placed it in for a few seconds

"you know what guys, maybe the fish are sleeping" everyone agreed with him

"that is such a cute necklace" Michelle complimented and Riley smiled looking down at it

"thanks Emily let me borrow it"

"She let you borrow it?" She nodded

"So Riley, how's all that drama going with the E-girls? You know, getting kicked out and everything" west asked

"I know they're dramatic at times but they aren't that bad" everyone laughed at her

"They're brutal you know that"

"Okay.. maybe they are bad"

"this is someone being threatened by the E-girls" Eldon ran off screaming

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