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"Hey Miss Kate" I said as I walked into miss kates office

"Miss Kate kind of looked stressed so I thought maybe I could lend her a hand"

"I can't find this little black book"

"Is there anything I could do to help?" I asked

"Actually, yes. If you could pick up the sample costumes from the costume store it would help me out so much, you have to get them before they close though" she said
"You could even bring James with you" she winked at the end and I blushed

"James. W-why would I bring james?" She shrugged her shoulders

"I dont know it just seemed you guys have gotten really close that's all. And I see the way he looks at you"

"Um, I'll get the costumes" I mumbled before quickly walking out, leaving her laughing in her office at my state." I went to my bag to get something out of it when James came over to me

"I've had enough" he stated

"Why what's up?"

"Beth is all over west. It's crazy" we looked to see Beth hyping up west and I laughed

"Missing your dance partner?"

"I just wanted to get the flip down but she's always there talking to him" he said
"Where are you going?" He asked once he realised I was about to leave the studio

"I'm just doing something for Kate"

"I didn't ask what you're doing, I asked where your going. Listen up Olive"

"I'm going to pick up the sample costumes"

"I didn't really have time for James to hold me back because I didn't want the store to shut"

"Alright I'll tag along" he said and I smiled looking back to Beth

"Are you sure, your girls there" he gagged and I laughed at my joke

"Nah that's west's grade A clinger. Let me get dressed and I'll meet you" I nodded as he went off to change

We both got on the bus and took a seat together.

"I love this area. You know I grow up in this area? My mum brought her car from that dealership, me and my buddy Danny used to skate board there everyday" I laughed silently as he pointed to most things and most likely distracted everyone on this bus
"I used to have breakfast everyday there before school. Down the street, mum used to make me walk of course. And definitely-" as his voice got louder I brought my finger to my lips in a sh motion

"Just be a bit more quieter?" I asked and he nodded

"Okay, I just like talking. As a matter of fact, you know how much I like talking to people? Watch this" he tapped an old lady on her shoulder and she turned around

"Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but I just had to tell you. Your hair looks gorgeous" she laughed

"Thank you"

"I found it kind of funny how he could talk to everyone"

"It's gorgeous right Olive? Just look at it" I nodded

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now