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Everyone was in shock when Riley told everyone Emily and Stephanie may be leaving the studio

"I overheard my parents talking to Emily and she was saying that they were planning on moving to elite"

"No way"


"Elite?" Everyone was shocked

"They keep saying how they want to do things for the troupe but then they just go and leave. I mean come on" Chloe said

Tiffany: "They only think about themselves guys we know that"

"But I think if we talk to them or something they'll listen" Michelle tried but Riley shut it down

"No. Bad idea"

"I know that we've worked really hard for regionals and I really want to go but-" Daniel stepped forward

"Are you suggesting we don't go to regionals?"

"I-I don't want to say that but-" everyone immediately broke into protests

"I dont care if we take my grandma. We're going"

Miss Kate: "We need to find a solution. We need 2 more people"

"We can audition from B- troupe..?" I suggested



"They still haven't been accepted to elite" Eldon tried and everyone didn't care

"We should still have hope. They haven't even auditioned yet"

Riley: "So we should just wait for the mot get into elite, go to regionals and then beat us? Like we have to do something now" eldon went quiet

"We'll bring 2 people up from b- troupe. There's Giselle, Beth, Charlie. Exactly. We're gonna do this?" Everyone put there hands in the middle

"The next step! Woooo!"

We were currently watching B troupe dancing solos and it was Beth's turn

"So Beth. why do you dance?"

"some people tell me I'm kind of a little crazy and loud so I like to express that with my dancing. And it's embarrassing" she hunched over putting her hands on her knees
"But I really miss west and kind of want to see him so, I would love to make A-troupe. But yeah that's it"

"Okay" Michelle said awkwardly and Beth laughed


"Hey James" Chloe said as James came onto the screen

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Good. how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright"

"we are here to do your daily maths pop quiz. Are you ready?"


olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now