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"we have just finished a run through of a dance and it was absolutely amazing it was way better than the last two in Includedall of our moves and not just one of ours"

"alright everybody. I love the energy you know what? Let's go home early tonight" everyone sighed in relief as we headed back

"hey hey hey where do you think guys think you're going?" Miss Kate asked


"yeah they did really amazing and the energy was great so-" Emily was interrupted

"Are they did amazing in their energy was great

"energy was great" Chris echoed

"yeah no we're not done here"

"no.... JOKING. We just want to have a fun night"

"A night as friends not just team mates" everyone nodded and agreed


"Hey everybody. Let's have some funnnnn" West said walking in a robe

"West" Emily said
"Are these your pyjamas?"

"well if you may know. yes these are my pyjamas. Kate told us to get comfortable so

"not that comfortable"

"please girl I work this"

"it's a robe" everyone laughed at them


"Alright guys come on. I say we play truth or dare. Let's start with west. Truth or dare?"


"Oh I got a good one. I got a good one. What's your biggest secret?" Riley asked and me and James looked to each other trying not to laugh

"My biggest secret? Well I witnessed a bank robbery before" everyone went quiet and James started to laugh
"Yeah I actually followed him and I know where he buried the money. Well it was a couple of years ago so I don't know if it's still there" everyone was dead silent and shocked
"Okay!" He clapped his hands
"So my turnnn. Stephanie. Truth or dare"


"I double dog dare you to go into the juice bar and use Tiffany as your hands and order some drinks for everybody"

"I say we all go"

"Yeah let's all go right now. Let's go"

Once we got to the juice bar they got into position and they stood at the bar waiting to order whilst Tiffany got out some lipstick

"Put it on". She opened the cap and Stefannie stood there helpless while Tiffany did the hands for her


"Guess what?! Movie time"
"So I got action and adventure, horror, I've got Rom com" all the girls clapped except Tiffany who made it clear she wanted a horror

"so this is what were gonna do. we can have a competition on who can do the best dance move and who wins gets to choose the movie"
"Alright west you first" he cracked his neck and did some lunges before doing some Micheal Jackson magic feet moves. Next it was Giselle

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