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"We just need to show Kate and Chris we don't want Emily and her bad choreography here anymore" James spoke to both me and Michelle

"We need a new dance captain cause the way she keeps treating people is horrible. And we're not going to win regionals with her choreography"

"I have an idea" Michelle tells us
"I say we re choreograph the regionals routine, make it so good, make it better, include people's ideas"

"Yeah" I nodded
"And we can show Kate and Chris. And they'll love it so much they'll have to put you as dance captain"

James: "When do we start then?"

"No time like the present"


"Me James and michelle were currently working on the dance Michelle was choreographing and it was good already. She was incorporating our ideas making it that much better"

We was finishing of the dance the door opened and Chris came in

"Olive, James and Michelle. Studio A is the rehearsal studio" he told us

"Ooh" James said playing along with it
"We're supposed to be in studio a. We was wondering where everyone was"

"No worries go go go" we all rushed out of the room to studio A


"Welcome to class, glad you could join us. It actually started 5 minutes ago." Emily said
"Stand in first positions everyone"

"First positions. Guys I want 100%. Ready?"


"Hold! Hold! 1,23.. release. Nice. West, remember hold the end"


"As soon as we're done in Emily's rehearsal we're back in studio B working on Michelle's routine"

We watched at the door as Riley came in

"Riley. Hey we were looking for you after class but you were with Emily but now your here we decided a way to overthrow Emily"

"Okay, how?"

"We're choreographing a new routine and we'll show it to them. It'll be so good they can't say no, and we want you to be apart of it" she nodded

"Sure, just teach it to me"

We had gone through the choreo with Riley this time and it was so much better especially when she gave some ideas

"Hey... guys can we add west?" Me and James looked to each other with a smile

"West huh?"

"Yeah" she nodded

"Do you think he'll join?" She nodded

"Okay then. Message him and tell him to come"  she nodded and got out her phone and a few minutes later west came in

"we found a way to overthrow her as dance captain how we create a dance we are creating a dance so good that Kate and Chris will have to say yes"

"so let me get this straight you guys are making a new routine to show to Kate, to overthrow Emily so Michelle can be dance captain. Is that right? Am I right?"

"That's right"

"Really? That's what you guys worked out? Love it! but you know I've got some good ideas. We can add a little bit of this" he did hand movements

"Yeah but your gonna have to teach us"

"No problem. Alright"


"I'm so exited" Michelle said referring to the dance
"What do you think Emily would do is she found out right now?"

Riley: "she'd probably go to Kate"

James: "she'll flip and rip our heads off" we heard the knocking sequence at the be troupe door

"Alright so we have this secret knock. And it goes with the song 'I'm so addicted to you, to you, to you' just so we know who's coming in"

"Come in" West opened the door

"Guys. I kinda did something"


"I told somebody about the dance" our eyes all widened


"Who?" The door opened again and Daniel walked in with a smile on his face

"Riley, Emily's your sister"

"Yeah but my sister does not deserve to be dance captain. She's tearing us apart more than bribing us together"

"If I'm going to join I have one condition. I get to keep my solo"

"Of course" we all said in unison laughing


"Okay so last night I was watching a video on YouTube and it was this guy doing 24 different accents"

"We are sitting around talking and doing funny accents cause we don't want to deal with what we have to deal with. Which is who should we add to the group next"

"Ello ello" Riley tried a really bad British accent

Daniel: "you sound Australian"

"guys this would be so much better with more people"

"even if we just added one more girl"

"Guys. We're missing rehearsal"we quickly stood up leaving our drinks and ran to studio A


We all stopped dancing as we watched Emily put down Chloe because of a move she wanted to put in the dance. personally, I thought It looked great but Emily hated it and told her to put it in one of her own dances

We all looked to each other after the situation and silently agreed that we should add Chloe to this dance so Michelle approached her

We will stay behind later on in the day after everyone in home and showed Chloe the dance.

Well you're clapped and Chloe walked over to us

"so what do you think?

"it's amazing. But what's it for?" Everyone look to each other nervously I had a feeling that she wouldn't wanna be part of it

"it's for regionals"

"I'm sorry what? Does Emily know about this?"

"not exactly"

West: "and we want to keep it that way"

"guys do you know how mad Emily would be if she found out you was doing a dance behind her back?!" She shouted
"Do you?! I'm sorry I'm not interested and if you know what is good for you, you wouldn't be doing this right now"

"we could've just ruined everything by telling her"

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now