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"Didn't Emily Stephanie and Tiffany have a competition this weekend?" Eldon asked Riley

"I don't know I've tried not to talk about dance around my sister" we all looked to them as they walked through the studio

"How did you do?" West asked

"Oh we came in second" everyone clapped for them as Tiffany held up the trophy

Daniel: "Second? Who came first?"

"Elite" miss Kate took the trophy off them and went to her office
"They were amazing" Stephanie took out her phone

"You have to see this" we all walked over and watched it in awe

"Okay okay that's enough" Stephanie put her phone away
"I say, we take a little road trip to elite, sneak into their studio, see what they're doing for regionals and come back and work on ours. What does everyone think?" Riley stepped forward

"Uh- I could" Emily scoffed

"Wait, you weren't thinking you were invited were you?"


"So whose gonna come?"

"Oo, oo, oo, I'm coming." Eldon said raising his hand and then he walked over to Emily

"Stop. Back" Emily directed and he walked back

"Okay James how about you?" He looked to me and shrugged

"Nah I'm not interested" he said

"Obviously it's a no for Michelle and Olive" she said and Michelle nodded

"I don't think it's a good idea"

"I'll go" I said and her eyes widened In shock

"Really?" I nodded rubbing my arm

"Yeah I'm interested in seeing the competition"

"Olive" Michelle tried
"I don't think you should-" I looked to her and I could tell she understood my expression, she knew I needed to make new friends and fix any bad blood so she sighed nodding

"I didn't actually want to check out the competition but I just wanted to be fine with the E-girls. I've never actually done anything to them so maybe we could be friends or something"

"Okay" she hummed


I walked into squeezed and saw James sitting at a desk reading a book.

"James, can we talk?" He nodded looking up and motioned for me to take a seat which I did
"What are you doing?" I asked

"Math, but I actually wanted to talk to you too" he said closing his book
"Why did you agree to go?" He asked and I sighed

"I was already the outcast coming into the studio when everyone already knew each other and the E-girls automatically decided to hate me. I just want to try and even it out. I don't want to argue with anyone" I said and he nodded

"You don't need to do this just to talk to them. Okay, how about I go with you?"

"I thought you didn't want to go"

"It'll be fine. So?"

"I think I should maybe do this on my own." I said and he nodded

We looked to the other side of the room and saw west go and sit next to them. Me and James listened in

"Why do you want to go?" Emily asked

"I want to help you guys out. I know a shortcut there"

"I have a GPS, it automatically gives me the fastest route."

"I used to date a girl there" he told her

"You dated a girl from elite?"

"Yeah so I know a back entrance it's kind of sneaky too"

"Alright, alright okay you can come"

"Perfect I'll get changed" he said and got up before walking over to us

"I got your back" west smiled
"Riley got me to go with you so I could look after you, she doesn't trust Emily" I nodded slowly

"You and Riley huh?" James smiled and west shook his head

"Yeah whatever" he mumbled before quickly walking out


We pulled up to elite and got out of the car one by one and I was almost shaking with nerves

"Told you I knew a back way" west smiled as we walked up to the building, me trailing behind them slightly

Emily: "You want a cookie or something?"

"I'd love a cookie actually" We opened the back of the building and walked inside and saw elites amazing dances, all their moves were precise and looked like they had been doing it for years cause they were all in time

Once we'd saw enough we left out the back

"Did you guys see that?"

"That was amazing"

"That was crazy"

Emily: "Have you guys seen a team that clean so early in the season?"


"I have an idea, let's go in and shoot a video. That way we could take it back to the studio and analyse it"

"No that's such a bad idea" west protested

"I'll go" I suggested and west looked to me with wide eyes

"You'll go?"

"Yeah, I have my phone"

"I volunteered to go and film elite because I wanted to fit in more, maybe if they see I'm doing things for them they'll like me more"


"Nah nah it's cool I'll do it" west said

"No it's fine I'll do it" Eldon then raised his hand

"I'll do it"

"No" Emily denied him immediately and west laughed

"Go." Emily said and I went into the direction.

Once I was inside I quickly pulled out my phone and started recording. I was doing that for a few minutes until my phone went off. My eyes widened as I tried to shut it off but I was caught

"Hey! Hey you! Get over here!"

"I didn't think this would happen I thought I could just get the video and get out but that's not the case"

I moved out from behind the piano and looked down as they all stared at me

"they all look so mad and I just keep thinking to myself how I got myself in this situation. I just wanna cry"

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now