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We were all stretching in studio A when Kate and Chris walked In

"dances can I have your attention please Miss Kate has an announcement"

"well as you know our application for regionals has been confirmed" we all cheered and clapped
"so we know what that means. it's game time, get your game face on"

"Regionals are in a month so we have a lot of work to do"

"Get to work" they said and we all started stretching. I was speaking with Riley when James walked in with his mom. We all looked over and stopped talking as they went into Kate and Chris' office 

They walked out and came over to us

"This is Debra. James' mother"

"Um. Actually Chris with respect I think this is an announcement James should make himself. To his friends, I think they deserve that" I looked to him

"Uh- As of today I'm being pulled from A troupe"

West: "Your not in a troupe anymore?"

"Nah man I'm sorry I let you guys down" I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. He can't just leave

"Why?" James looked to me

"My math grades are slipping a little bit. It's not a big deal though" his mum sighed

"You know I beg to differ James. They're not slipping a bit in math. He just failed his math exam"

"But we th-"

"No. He knew that this was the consequence of that"

"And I'm sorry that it's come to this I really am cause I know it puts you in a bit of a bind but I don't feel like I really have a choice. He's out"

West: "What so there's no way we can get him to dance with us at regionals?"

"No. He needs to spend time on his studies"

"I'm disappointed James is leaving. We've got really close lately and I don't know what I'd do without him.. at the studio"

"I have an idea" Michelle said walking forward

"I-I'm sorry who're you?"

"I'm Michelle the new dance captain"

"Dance captain when did that happen?"

James: "Mom"

"I thought Emily- okay nevermind. You were saying?"

"I say James leaves for 2 weeks. Focuses on his studies and brings up the grades. Cause we really need him for regionals."

"I understand that Michelle but James has promised me things before and James will do what he always does. Which is find something more fun to do than math. And that's not hard. Root canals at the dentist are more fun than math. You blow it off James"

"None of us knew about this problem. Now we all know and want to fix it, right guys?"


"You know what?" west said walking forward
"I'm a math genius so I could definitely help your son"

Michelle: "we can all help him"

"We can"

"I dont know" Michelle got on her knees and they all followed one by one saying please

James looked to me and I sighed following

"Can I take a picture of this" James laughed and I squeezed his Achilles making his jump up screaming slightly making me laugh

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