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So I had just gotten back from staying with my dad a few days ago and I found out they lost the battle

"Yeah I guess I'm pretty bummed, but I'm more motivated now to beat them at regionals" I turned away from my wardrobe to James who was laying on my bed with his hands behind his head

"What should I wear?" I asked

"You'll look great in anything" I blushed turning back
"Seriously, you could wear a bin bag and look beautiful" I picked 2 dress out and held them against my body

"Which one?"

"The right one" he said and I nodded before walking into the bathroom to change

"The right one" he said and I nodded before walking into the bathroom to change

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Once I was done I walked back out in the dress and his eyes widened

"You look amazing" he said

"I don't like it" I mumbled about to go back to the bathroom but he got up off the bed and grabbed my hand

"What's wrong with it?"

"I just don't like how it looks and- I'm just gonna change"

"Olive you look gorgeous" he spun me around so I was facing the mirror with his arms around me

"Beautiful" he said pecking my neck
"Come on, my mums gonna be waiting" he took my hand and led me out of my room and drove me to his house


"Mum were here!" He took my hand and guided me through his house to the living room where his mum and a little girl, around 5 were cooking

"Olive, you look lovely" his mother walked away from the couch and gave me a hug

"It's nice to see you again Deborah"

"You too dear-"

"Excuse me" I looked down to see the little girl


"Are you a princess?" I crouched down so I was to her level and his mom left with a smile on her face

"I'm not, but I know one" I whispered in her ear and her eyes lit up

"really? Where?"

"She's right here" I pointed to herself and she squealed

"I always wanted to be a princess. I have a crown and everything" she giggled and hugged me
"We can be princesses together" she muttered into my ear and I laughed at her

"Leave my girl alone Rachel" James said and I stood up with her as she stayed in my arms

"She's a princess" she laughed and I turned to him with an awe expression

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now