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"attention and answers attention please it's all just warming up for today's rehearsal when Chris and Kate walked in

"some exciting news it looks like we are going to be competing at a local dance competition this weekend" we all clapped and a few cheered for the announcement

"We are going to switch it up a bit and I'm going to change the line position. You will perform for Chris and I and then I'll make the decision"


Later on Emily convinced Kate and Chris that she should be making the line placements so now we was doing it for her

"Alright everybody" Emily called
"The order is: Chloe, Tiffany, Daniel, Riley, Olive, Eldon, James, Stephanie, Michelle then west" They all were great and then it was my go and I shook my arms before going on

Riley was before me and kind of messed up her part and I can tell it's just her she is usually really good dancer

"Olive, I guess it's your turn" Emily mumbled

Once i was finished i walked over to James who was watching me with wide eyes

"That was amazing"

"You think?" I asked and he nodded

"Unreal, I'm stunned" I laughed nudging him slightly and he did it back before running onto the floor doing a flip and his part

"Yours was- I have no words" I said and he smiled

"Why thank you" I rolled my eyes at him

"Alright guys gather round, I'm gonna go run this by Kate and Chris, get their opinion on it and see if it's fair" they said before walking off

"Alright everybody attention. I have in my hand the line positions. Go back and I'll tell you where they are. Stephanie your here" Emily said and put her to the front. She then put her, Riley and Eldon at the front. In the middle row was Michelle, James, West and Daniel and in the back row was Tiffany and Chloe.

"Olive you can stay where you are, back row" I nodded keeping my positioning

"I know that I'm new here and I kind of have to earn my spot so I guess it's okay, or maybe I just did a bad job in my performance so I guess it's the right thing I'm put here"

"Alright everyone I need you to back up and right now will be looking for is cleanliness in the arms, be sharp"

Riley was messing up the steps, I think being at the front was throwing her off but she'll get there in the end

"Alright let's take a break everyone" Emily called and they everyone slowly exited the room. I sighed staying behind and just did a few stretches and tried to perfect some moves before leaving.

I sighed not getting the hang of it and walked went to exit the studio but was stopped

"Olive, Olive, Olive, can you tell me what tangent is?" I walked back to him

"Uh- sine over cosine."

"sine over cosine?"

"Yeah" he shook his head and slammed the book shut

"hey, I got you something"


"It's from the top of a mountain" I laughed

"The top of a mountain?" He nodded and got up before going into his bag and bringing out a water bottle

"Spring water" i said rolling my eyes with a laugh

"Yeah. Top of a mountain" I opened it and started drinking it

He's probably the only person I asked you that will tell me his honest opinion and the truth

"James can I ask you something? But you have to be honest"

"Okay, sure"

"did I really do that bad to be put on the back row?"


"Honestly" I said nodding

"seriously, I think you was one of the best ones there today I think you need to be on the front row"


"Yes. I would even go as far as to say you was the best one there" I bit the side of my cheek hoping miraculously it would help the redness of my cheeks not appear but I could tell he saw it by his smile

"Thank you" I smiled and he nodded sitting back down and opening his book

"What's Pythagorean theorem?"

Me and James were stretching when Riley came over to me

"I don't deserve to be in the front row" she said
"Emily made the lines herself. Kate had nothing to do with it" she said and I shrugged

"Maybe it's for the best anyways, I'm still new here"

"Alright everyone let's take our positions you should be warm by now" I walked over to my place at the back row but Riley pulled my arm and took me to the front before walking back. I looked around nervously while Emily was glaring at me

"Kate had nothing to do with these line placements, Emily did this all on her own. And clearly I don't deserve to be in the front row, Olive does." Emily crossed her arms

"I'm really not pleased about being caught in the middle of Riley and Emily. It's not my position to take"

"Do you all agree with me?"

"Yeah" James said first and winked at me

Daniel: "yeah"

Michelle: "yeah"

West: "yeah"

"Sorry sis you're outvoted" Emily nodded and went back to the front

"Okay here we go!" Kate said walking out of her office

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now