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I walked into the juice bar while Michelle was in the bathroom and saw the girls sitting down

"Hey" I smiled walking over to them. They all stopped what they were doing and looked to me, most with rude faces
"Do you mind if i sit there?" I asked wanting to get to know them

"Actually that's Riley's spot" they said and I knew I wasn't welcome

"I'm just really confused on why the E-girls reflected me. I did nothing to them so there's nothing for them to be mad about"

"Okay sorry" I said before walking away and then walked over to west

"Do you mind if i-" he pulled the chair out with a smile and I returned it sitting down

"Don't even worry about them. It's an E-girl thing.  I mean I could've sat there, but I'd rather sit here by myself with my squeezed. I mean if it helps you feel better I could dress as a girl"

"No, no it's okay" I laughed

"Okay..? Cause I got a dress right there in the changing rooms" I shook my head as we laughed

"It's okay"


I sat outside B- studio with Michelle waiting for dance to start but no one was here yet

"Whats taking so long?" Michelle asked but I shrugged

"Oh hey Olive and Michelle" we got up off the floor to see Giselle walking up to the B studio
"What are you guys doing here?"

"We was told that rehearsal was in studio B"

"Oh. No A troupe rehearsals are always in studio A"


"I know we've been set up. Why would they send us to studio B if rehearsals always in studio A"

"Who told you that?"

"I mean it doesn't really matter" Giselle nodded

"I don't want to call Stephanie out cause we're new here and we really don't want to shake things up"

Me: "We just wanted to apologise for taking your spot in A-troupe"

"It's not your fault, keep focused and be careful with the E-girls" she hugged both of us and started walking in the other direction

"Alright thanks" we quickly rushed to studio A and when we got there they were already talking

"We're so sorry" I said

"We got lost"

"I know you two are new but this can never happen again" I nodded my face turning a bright shade

"Ever again" Emily emphasised

Chris: "Thank you Emily"

"I'm kind of wary around Stephanie now, when I'm around her I kind of have to be kind of cautious"

"it's a new dance year so it's time to pick a new dance captain" Emily stepped forward

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now