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I could tell there was some tension in the room between Eldon and Michelle and now that I think of it they have been hanging out a bit with their duet and all

I dont know what's going on with them but I hope whatever it is he's being faithful to Emily because no matter what no one deserves to get cheated on

"Guys! The costumes are here" we all went over and took the boxes so we could open them but Stephanie pulled out a pirate hat

"What is that?" Riley asked

"hold on hold on maybe it's just that one" we opened another box but a lion costume came out

"What kind of world are we living in?"

Emily: "These aren't our costumes"

"Look I'm gonna make some calls. Put them back"

"Regionals is in a few days. And we still haven't done a dress rehearsal"


"Stephanie congratulations. I can't believe your gonna be a guest star on a tv show!" Everyone turned to Stephanie and Emily as she hugged her after answering her phone
"Yeah guys guys! Stephanie's got the part. She actually got the part" everyone clapped for her

"Yeah I got a role in a tv show as a guest star but they're filming the same week in as regionals"

"Well you have to come to regionals, we've worked so hard and you're part of the team"

"Okay guys" she muttered and walked off


We were at the costume cupboard after Emily's idea to find something in there and James had the biggest smirk on his face

"What?" I asked confused as they brought out the rack of  costumes and then went to the mask cupboard

"we made out In there" he said and my face went bright red

"James" I whispered shouted and he laughed picking up a mask

"So how do i look?" He asked as he put it on

"Very cute" I smiled as I pecked his lips but his eyes thinned

"Cute? Nah say I'm handsome" he said and I laughed shaking my head

"You look very cute" I teased and walked off over to the masks and put a red one on

"Well you look amazing" I gasped at James beside me and smiled

"Thank you, but I think you'd rock it" he shook his head with a smile and brought me into a kiss

"Nah, you've already made it look the best it can"


"Hey guys! I got some costumes" giselle said walking in with loads of bags and we all went through it. I ended up wearing some large cargo pants

"Alright everybody" Emily said as we got in our places and started to dance but everyone's costumes were coming off.

"There were clothes all Over the floor, everyone was on the floor. It was hectic"

"Okay, no no these costumes are so not working. We're gonna have to try something else"

"Sorry guys I tried" Giselle said

"It's alright Round of applause for Giselle"


"We are about to get on the bus to regionals and I cannot control my nerves"

"Well well well look who the cat dragged in" I heard west and Eldon and I looked to see James walk in

"I thought you wasn't gonna make it" I said as he walked over to me and hugged me

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