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We were dancing amazing until the corner of my eyes where I saw Riley struggling to get her hand from her feather and I knew that probably cost us

We carried on through the rest of the song till it was over and then stood on stage for our scores

"The judges have come to a decision. The next step scores 84 points. The next step is eliminated" we all walked off the stage gutted. Emily rushed over to Riley

"My hand got caught in my glove and it fell out and we just lost cause of me-"


"We just lost!"

"Riley stuff happens"

"We were so close"

"We all gave it our best shot"

"And now we lost. We lost it all"

Miss Kate: "everyone was great. Okay you gave it your all. It happened and there's nothing we can do about it now"

"You can't do this to yourself okay. You just can't"

"Why is everyone so upset?" West asked and James laughed

"West really?"

"Cause last time I checked we have a chance at getting the wild card spot"

Emily: "you see?"

"And we're gonna get it so.."

"You know what? For once west is right. We worked to hard not to make it to nationals"

"Sorry guys" Riley apologised

"Stop" we all chorused


We all walked up on stage once we went on stage to see who got the wild card spot. And if we don't get it. We're going home

"The judges have made a decision. The troupe that will be facing seeds in the semi finals is.... the next step!" We all cheered and jumped around as everyone stood up for us. James ran to me and picked me up, spinning me around

"I told you" he whispered in my ear
"I told you so"


"We were just going through our rehearsal when elite barged through"

One of them nudged me out of the way and I went backwards

"I got you" James whispered and he held my shoulders keeping me upright

"Thank you" Amanda stopped as they carried on walking

"You should watch where you stand" she said to me smiling and I looked away

"Awe cute costumes guys. is your Grandma missing her curtains? And who did you're makeup? A clown? You Guys should all just go get a job at the circus. That'd be great" no one says anything
"And Emily. Did you find a group you could finally keep up with?"

"Amanda don't you have your own team to torment?" Michelle says stepping in

"What? Emily can't stick up for herself now?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Whatever have fun" she walks off leaving us all there

"Are you okay?" James whispers and I nod watching as Emily walks off and sits by herself

"Eldon? Are you not gonna go talk to her?" Riley says and he just stands there

"Eldon bro go!" James says in a higher pitch and I nudge him slightly

olive - the next step [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now