Incident in biology.

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As soon as the bell rang loudly, making me jump, and Edward Cullen was out of his seat. Fluidly he rose — he was much taller than I'd thought — and swiftly approached my desk, not quiet slamming is hand down as he leaned on the desk, he blocked my exit. His looming figure intimidating. I sat frozen in my seat, staring blankly after him. He spoke, his voice warm but almost cruel in the manner; different from his brother who sat beside me, his previous tension returning. "Are you Isabella Swan?" 

"Um, yes?" Responding to my own name with uncertainty, I watched in horror as he leaned lower gripping my arm harshly as I recoiled from his presence, his eyes flashed coal black briefly and I felt a pressure on my forehead grow. 

"Let go, please you're hurting me." I was on the verge of tears but he didn't waver. His eyes returned to their original color, but his intense gaze didn't leave and I could feel my headache, the only word to describe what I was feeling, growing in pain. Then suddenly it all stopped, his gaze, his painful grip and the headache I had. Looking up from where I sat, I saw my leaning over me, his fist full of Edwards shirt as he slowly forced him up upright. It was hard not to notice the flash of fear that crossed his face as the younger boy reminded me of the earlier moment, only harder. 

If looks could kill, Edward would have been dead a thousand times over already. 

Y/n's face was stone cold, all his previous warmth gone with the wind as he tightened the grip he had on Edward. "She asked you to let go; Edward. I suggest you listen. Least Father hears...or Alice, leave."

Flicking over to the entrance, I saw the pixie girl from lunch standing not too far from us, the class empty aside from the four of us. "Y/n, I think he's learnt his lesson..." 

Alice seemed to have an affect on him, as he instantaneously released the other Cullen. Brushing himself of; Edward sauntered past Alice toward the exit, pausing just as he passed her. I admired her, because if I had been in her position I would have died. "Keep your fucking dog  on a leash." 

Yet instead of backing down, she turned to him, smirking as she did so; the only thought of her I could muster was that she was a badass bitch. "No. I will not keep my brother on a leash. However, pull a stunt like that again and I will make sure no one is around to prevent what happens to you. Understood?" 

Scowling, he marched out leaving a silence behind him. Alice turned to her brother and myself, talking to him first; which honestly I didn't mind as it gave me a moment to comprehend what just happened. "You ok Champ?" 

He merely nodded and I was surprised when she gave him a long, but sisterly, and tender hug; which seemed to calm him down a fair bit. Next she turned to me, wearing a soft, hesitant smile. 

"You must be quiet something to get my brother to nearly fight over you." Chuckling as she stood with her hand on her hip, I felt myself flush. I hated how pale my skin was in moments like these. "You ok though?"

"Yea no I'm ok." Smiling back, I rubbed my wrist a little which, unfortunately didn't go unnoticed. 

"I'm sorry, I should have stepped in sooner..." Y/n looked crestfallen, quickly making his way over to the fridge/freezer in the back of the class, extracting a small ice pack and placing it on my quickly bruising wrist. He wouldn't meet my gaze yet I could tell he was beating himself up from the small glimpse of his face that I got. "Hey, um, thank you...for sorta, stepping in I guess. And having my back. I'm new, so-" 

My ramble was interrupted by his warm smile that made me falter. "Anything for a friend."

Those words, it turned out; would stick with me for a very...very, long time. 


Y/n pov. 


Trying to block the obscene actions and comments Edward had mouthed to me, and the fact he lost control, from my mind; I followed Isabella out of the class, bidding Alice a farewell as she parted with us to go to her classes. I found myself constantly looking down at her wrist, guilt plaguing me. She must have got fed up with my constant looks as she stopped at a junction and turned to me. "Y/n, I promise, I'm fine ok? Look the swelling has even gone down a bit." Lifting her wrist up, the improvement was negligible. Sighing I shook my head as her shoulders dropped a little and she bit her lip. 

She went to say something more, but was stopped by a boy who came around the quiet corridor. He paused before approaching us, though he specifically addressed Bella,  ignoring my existence entirely. 

"Aren't you Isabella Swan?" the male asked.

"Bella," she corrected him, a slight smile on her face, and I felt a cold feeling brew in my stomach, but dismissed my insecurity; I wasn't anything special anyways right?

"I'm Mike."

"Hi, Mike."

"Do you need any help finding your next class?"

"I'm headed to the gym, actually. I think I can find it."

"That's my next class, too." He seemed thrilled, though it wasn't that big of a coincidence in a school this small.

We walked to class together; he was a chatterer — he supplied most of the conversation, which made it easy for me. He'd lived in California till he was ten, so he knew how I felt about the sun. It turned out he was in my English class also. He was the most annoying person I'd met today, but he and Bella seemed to be getting along so I minded my business, it wasn't a conversation I was involved in, nor wanted to be as far as I was concerned. His heartbeat was peaking in the wrong places of conversation and it was really bugging me that he lied so easily.

But as we were entering the gym, he asked, "So, did you stab Y/n Cullen with a pencil or what? I've never seen him act like that."

That was something that caught my attention. Sighing, I watched Bella cringe. Fed up with his antics; I decided to finally involve myself in the conversation. "I'm right here; idiot.

"Oh, I--" I held up my hand, attempting to ignore him, until he opened his stupid mouth again. 

"So is it true you punched him in the face?" He had a stupid look of awe on his face, and it served only to scratch my irritation further. 

"No. However, I will not hesitate to make that rumor be about you." My final comment seemed to shut him up, at least; about me. However, much to my chagrin, he continued to flap his lips to Bella as if I wasn't there, who listened politely.

 "He's a weird guy." Mike lingered, instead of heading to the dressing room. "If I were lucky enough to sit by you, I would have talked to you."

I don't think he was expecting what Bella said next, I sure as hell wasn't, but it definitely knocked the wind out of his sails and I won't lie I took immense pleasure from it as I walked off into the change rooms.  "Oh, but he did. It was actually an amazing conversation and lecture. He helped me a lot. Anyway, see you in the gym."  

And with that, she walked off and I entered the changing rooms, bee-lining for a secluded spot and hastily changing.  The last thing I needed today was for people to question my scars. 

Ravished and Ravenous. (Bella x m werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now