He gets an ear full and I get a painful change

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Bella pov.

"Hey Bella?" Turning around startled, I saw familiar green eyes peering at me concerned. Turning to lean against my locker, I watched as Y/n hesitantly approached. "Yea what's up?" 

I felt myself choke on yet unshed tears as I responded. My last class had been an absolute nightmare, and I was frustrated but also hurt. Edward had openly mocked me, going so far as to throw paper at the back of my head. He eventually stopped, not after he got a detention from the teacher, but after Y/n got up and moved his seat to be between the two of us. It seemed the little confrontation earlier had served as a more severe warning than I had thought, but it still hurt that someone would go out of their way to bully someone new. 

"Are you ok?" His question took me by surprise, the worry on his face and genuine tone equally as shocking. I found myself hating him in the most ironic way possible. 

"No, no I'm not." I muttered as I looked down, not protesting when after a heartbeat of silence his arms wrapped around my cold body in a loose but tender fashion, not protesting when I began to cry against his firm chest. 

I hated him for how easily he disarmed me...how vulnerable and protected he made me feel. How in the matter of a day he undid my trust issue's and my promises to not be involved in Forks, how he made me feel. How I barely knew him, yet he still stood up for me.

"For what it's worth," His voice bringing out of my daze, I had stopped crying a while ago and had just been content to stay in his embrace. Yet when he spoke, I felt compelled to look him in the eye, unfortunately breaking the circle of warmth and comfort as he continued to speak. 

"I think you're great, you're smart, witty and sarcastic, and I think you're gonna rock this town. God, now that I say that out loud, it uh, it sounded better in my head," Scratching his nape, he let out an infectious chuckle which had me smiling, a little unpermitted giggle leaving my mouth. 

"That really means a lot to me. I've never," I felt myself beginning to speak faster and in bursts, but unlike others before him, he never interrupted, or judged me; like my father, I had never been good with expressing emotions, and took time to articulate them. 

"I've never had someone stand up for me, or be nice to me. Um, and it's also just, yea; no one has ever said that about me, so um...thank...you." He flashed a smile, ruffling my hair as he excused himself, but not after he gave me a small side hug and a gentle, "You're most welcome." 

As he left, I leaned against my locker and watched his retreating figure. "So, you fancy a Cullen do you?" Jumping out of my skin, Jessica stood beside me laughing at my reaction as I adamantly defended myself. 

"I do not, he's just a good friend." I stated, feeling I was justified in my own curiosity with him to not divulge certain information. 

"If you say so, ready to go?" Nodding, I followed my friend out, bidding her farewell at my truck and entering its safe confines.

'He's not a bad guy...and he's kinda cute too I guess.' Thinking to myself as I pulled away; I realized that although my day may have started out or gone badly it definitely ended in a good way, and I found myself driving home with a stupid ass smile on my face the whole way. 



After arriving home, things had been tense to say the least. Edward had received an earful not only from mum and dad, but from Rosalie too, not to mention some harsh words from Alice. Emmet and Jasper returned later that evening with new padding and a couple of logs, they too would also condemn Edwards actions; but one thing we all agreed too was that he needed to learn to control himself more, as in his thirst better, or at the very least eat more. This I admitted was out of his control, and really I felt bad for him. I had been able to control my thirst easily as I was a hybrid, my thirst was never as bad as my siblings. I couldn't imagine the pain it caused him. 

Ravished and Ravenous. (Bella x m werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now