School, AGAIN?! No way!

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Having passed the night, I awoke the next morning early to the sounds of the doors locking system releasing. Rising from the pool of blood I lay in, Carlisle quickly stepped over to me with Emmet in tow. His brow furrowed when he saw how much blood I was in and ordered Emmet to take me up to the Room. The Room was a room, yea no kidding, that was specifically built for the likes of myself. It was here the father would sticky my wounds that hadn't healed using a special needle and thread. More often than not, I would be given a blood bag, one that I'm not sure was vegetarian. Within the hour, I was up and about; sporting new bandages around my legs and on my forearm. Upon my insistence, and the fact it would look weird if I disappeared from school on the second day, I was allowed to go with my siblings. However, I was in no shape to drive, and thankfully Edward offered to drive me to and from school. The journey there was quiet, but comfortably so. We joked about having girlfriends and about some of the staff, and honestly; it was the best start to the day, considering what I went through last night. 

Approaching my morning class, which so happened to be English, I had trouble keeping to myself as eyes followed me the entire way. That was, until my siblings, who had gotten fed up with how I was being gawked at, snapped at them, sending them into hushed whispers and on their merry way. Jasper and Edward dropped me off at English, seemingly having agreed with everyone but me that I would be 'escorted' whenever possible. I won't lie, the reprieve from the student body that couldnt keep to themselves was very welcome. I entered the class, pulling my trenchcoat sleeves far down, I sat in the corner nearest the window and furthestback; pulling out my workbooks and doodling absently while I waited for class to start. If I were to be completed frank with you; this class was a mixed bag for me. Negatives, Mike and some other single celled orgasms were in the class. Positives, it was English and Bella sat just beside me;  keeping me entertained with her sarcasm and mutterings. Speaking of which, both the Queen and the jester decided to grace me with their presence. Ten guesses who is what in that metaphor.

"Morning Y/n!" Practically skipping the last bit of the aisle, Bella was the first, non-family, person who greeted me this morning. Smiling through my fatigue, I guess I wouldn't be able to fool her as the first words that were out of her mouth were, 'Are you ok?' 

"He looks fine to me, I don't know why you're so worried about him." The Jester, Mike, spoke. This kid really had the nerve, the audacity to pick the day.

Bella spat, frustration evident in her voice as she raised her voice; which honestly scared me a bit. "How can you say that? Have you looked at him. And I'm worried about him because he is my friend." 

Biting my tongue, I rested my head against my fists, praying that today wouldn't be the day I killed this guy. "Look, he's not even listening or paying attention to you."

I guess my prayers wouldn't be answered today. 

"LISTEN HERE YOU EGOTISTICAL DEGENERATE." My hands flew down  onto my desk, startling everyone who had come to class early. Growling, I felt myself teetering on the edge of shifting, digging my nails into the desk. "I only speak once. So listen." Snarling, I watched the boy cower as I rose from my seat, standing a good head and a bit taller than his whimpering, sniveling form. 

"I can hear you. I might not be looking at you but I can hear you. So do not, ever, insult my presence like you did yesterday. Secondly, brat.  Bella is worth far more than whatever your ego attempts to match up. You have been lying since we met, and I swear to fucking god, I will end you. Do I make. myself. clear." Leveling the fury of my gaze at him, he whimpered and I'm pretty sure he pissed himself. He nodded, squeaking out a pathetic apology. 

"Y-yes, s-sir. P-perfectly clear." He swallowed hard as I looked down, doing my best to hide my face behind my hair, forcing my breathing to even out. 

"Get out of my sight." Snapping out through gritted teeth, I watched him scamper out of my vision. I had a funny feeling it wouldn't be the last I saw of him. I sank back into my chair, I caught a few thank you's from the class. Clearly he thought he was a big fish in a big pond. Oh how utterly wrong he was. Being brought out of my thoughts by a brunette seating herself on my desk, I looked up and saw a very unimpressed Bella. Sighing, I resigned myself to fate, thinking to myself I was in for it now. 

"Really y/n?" 

"What? He was disrespecting your rights and freedoms, insulting me, and just so happened to do that and more on a really, really bad day. Simple as. I did what I needed to do, and I stand by it." Replying calmly, what I did clearly gave her mixed feelings as she fought off a smile while giving me a glare. Deciding to spare herself, she decided to reiterate her previous question.

"Are you ok? What happened to your arm?" Her eyes flicked to my bandages sticking out from my sleeves. Deferring to my previous assumption, I decided to be honest with her. 

"I got bit. We have a canine at home and last night he was in a state and bit me. He's really moody when the full moon comes around, so we tend to joke about him being like, a werewolf or something silly." Smiling, I chuckled at her giggling, everything settling back to how it was.

"And yea, I'm ok. Just...tired." 

"If you say so...remember, I'm here if you wanna talk alright?" She spoke, taking her seat as the bell rang. 

"Ditto Bella," softly letting a smile out, I turned my attention to my lessons as the day began. 

Ravished and Ravenous. (Bella x m werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now