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Returning from our hunt, I sauntered through the door carrying Alice on my back, my paws surprisingly clean considering how much mud existed between the front door and forest edge.  I hadn't spent much time with my sister, which made me a little upset, but we managed to make time after we had returned from class. My wounds had healed remarkably well and we were ravenous, so we went out for a nice dinner of deer and mountain lion. Bizarre I know, but trust me, when you're hungry and a vampiric werewolf, anything is appetizing. Human food only holds me over for so long. "So, now that you're home...SURPRISE!" 

Startled I jumped as the rest of the family were gathered around the table. Alice jumped off me, grinning broadly as I shifted back. "What's all this about? What did I miss?" 

Frowning in confusion, I looked at the simple decorations that littered the room, a number 2 on a few things and a happy birthday on one of the items. I looked at Alice, who sighed exasperated. "Y/n, what day is it?" 

I paused, thinking back to school and where I may have written the date down. "June the 5th?"

"OHHHHHHHHHhhhhh," it clicked. Yes I know, I forget my own birthday, it happens more often that I'd like to admit. Smiling sheepishly, I chuckled with my family. My spirits lifted when I saw all their smiles; reaching up into their eyes. This was what I lived family. 

"So are you gonna blow out the candle or are we gonna wait the next century Champ?" Emmet slung his arm over my shoulders, leading me over to the cupcake that had a deep red hue to it. One smell of it, and I could tell it was a red velvet. Smiling stupidly, I leaned down and blew out the candle as they cheered and passed around drinks. After a toast to yours truly and some speeches, we all went to the lounge and around the fair sized pile of wrapped gifts that stood in the middle of the floor. 

"You guys really didn't have too..." I looked around at them, guilt taking me over. They went out of their way to make this insignificant day special. For me? I hated asking for things, I felt like I always burdened the person I asked.  Yet here they were, treating me to a special day. 

"Of course we did dude." Edward slung his arm over me, ruffling my hair as he chuckled. "It's your birthday. Besides, remember when it was mine and you got me that really nice ass pen?" 

"Or when you got me that massive teddy bear," Alice added. 

"Or-r when you g-got me that antique chess set," Jasper commented, his feelings struggling to be articulated. 

"Or when you got me that sick set of gym kit," My burly brother lounged on the couch raising his glass with his comment. 

"And remember when you had taken me for a day at the spa, and the roses and rings you got all of us for valentines day boo?" Rosalie added, a tender smile on her face. 

"Oh, and remember when you wrote me that beautiful piece of music my boy?" Esme spoke, gently hugging Carlisle's arm who in turn also added. "And remember when you took the time and effort to make me a bag that I would be able to use at work after my old one broke?" 

Feeling tears come to my eyes, I walked up to my parents and embraced them tightly, muttering into them as tears of joy broke free. "Thank you...thank you for making today special." Turning to everyone else as I added the last bit, they all smiled and replied tenderly. 

"Come, time to open your presents." Alice sat me down next to her on the floor, and handed me a gift. Honestly; I had never received a gift. Last year, I was away with Carlisle at the time, and I had never been liked enough in my past life to be given anything. But I never minded, I managed to always make people smile when it was their day, so it balanced out. 

"" Looking helplessly at her, she nodded and tore the wrapping much to my horror, causing them to laugh. "It's just wrapping Y/n, open it. That one is from Esme." 

I tore the rest of the wrapping around the palm sized gift and a small velvety box was revealed. Opening it, a plain chain with hoops on it sat neatly in the box beside which was a little wolf charm. Smiling brightly, I got up and hugged her tightly; taking her by surprise; and thanked her as I sat back down again. It was explained to me that it was a charm bracelet, so I could add little things to it to preserve memories. Next came Carlisle's gift. Another charm, this one a bat, and an elegant pen. "I know how much you enjoy writing, and that story you've started is really good, so I hope this will help you reach your dreams." 

Smiling as I fought back a tear, my emotional side taking over, I thanked him. Moving onto the next one, Rosalie gave me a Sabaton hoodie and a chocolate. Edward's was next, two books on strategies for war and military history. Emmet's gift was a hand carved wooden wolf, with river stone eyes and a CD with all my favorite tracks on it for in the car. "I uh, I hope you like it. Wasn't sure what to get you and Alice mentioned you have a soft spot for handmade or thoughtful gifts so hey you like it Champ?" 

Getting up I embraced him tightly. "I love it." 

Jasper's gift came next, and it was uncharacteric of him. "I thought that, since I knew what everyone else was getting and you got me a chess board I thought you may like this." 

His tender, shy voice was all that reached me as I examined his gifts. A customized pocket watch that was engraved with 'I fear not the valley of death nor the demons of hell', a 3D night lamp that was in the form of fire, and insanely cool pocket tool and finally wolf shaped cufflinks. 

"Jas, this is incredible, thank you...these are stunning," as I examined the cufflinks, a impatient cough caught my attention. Placing everything down, I turned to my sister who had a fairly sized gift in her lap. Handing it over, she stopped me before I could open it. 

"I hope these gifts serve you well. You have been such an amazing little brother and I'm glad I get to be your big sister, you always make me laugh and cheer me up; and life would be a lot less exciting and fun without you around. So thank you for always being you and being amazing." She gave me a sisterly kiss on the head, tousling my hair as she sat back down with a chuckle; "Now you can open it." 

Lifting the box lid, a sable black trench coat sat beside an equally black, but silver patterned, suit. Lifting them up to examine them, I was engrossed in the clothes before Alice pointed out there was one more thing that I had missed. Turning to the box, I saw what lay in the bottom. A folded piece of paper and a bag of dog equipment sat at the bottom. Confused I unfolded the paper, reading the instructions. Further perplexed, I looked at Alice who told me to do what they said. So, I did. Following them down into the basement, and I almost screamed. 

In a little pen was the most adorable Husky pup I had ever seen. "OHMYGOSHYOOKITSSODAMNADORABLEIMGONNADIE!" Squealing in delight I ran over to the pen and picked up the pup without second thought, holding him close against me. He reminded me of a dog I had run into years ago that passed away whilst we were playing. Turning at the sound of cooes and giggles, I saw the entire family standing in the door way. "Thank you...Thank you so much, for everything." 

Breathlessly I hugged each of them, having placed the pup on the floor. He zipped around, taking in all the scents around him. Alice asked what I would name him, herself playing with the puppy. "Natsuki... Japanese for hope." I added sheepishly, Carlisle nodding with approval, a smile on his face. 

Alice turned to me, smirking deviously as she played with the pup. "Oh, you'll get another surprise tomorrow at school. Just a heads up."

I was filled with dread at her words. Alice was mischievous when it came to me, so I could only imagine what she may have planned...

Ravished and Ravenous. (Bella x m werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now