Trust (p1)

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And then our server arrived, her face expectant. The hostess had definitely dished behind the scenes, and this new girl didn't look disappointed. She flipped a strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth.

"Hello. My name is Amber, and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?" I didn't miss that she was speaking only to me, and it irked me greatly. I looked at Bella, hoping to emphasis her existence. 

"I'll have a Coke." It sounded like a question.

"Two Cokes," I affirmed, dismissing the waitress with a wave. 

"I'll be right back with that," she assured me with another unnecessary smile. But I ignored it, watching Bella carefully. 

"What?" she asked when she left.

Continuing to  watch her, I clasped my hands pensively. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," she replied.

"You don't feel dizzy, sick, cold... ?"

"Should I?"

I chuckled at her puzzled tone.

"Well, I'm actually waiting for you to go into shock." My lips twisting into a crooked smile.

"I don't think that will happen," she said after taking a moment. "I've always been very good at
repressing unpleasant things."

"Just the same, I'll feel better when you have some sugar and food in you."
Right on cue, the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. She stood with her back to Bella as she placed them on the table.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked me, and I had just about reached my limit of tolerance of rude.

"Bella?" I asked. She turned unwillingly toward her.

I watched her pick up the menu, scanning it quickly before answering. "Um... I'll have the mushroom ravioli."

"And you?" She turned back to me with a smile.

"Nothing for me," I said. Of course not. Not if I wanted to keep this morning's medication down.

"Let me know if you change your mind." The coy smile was still in place, but I wasn't looking at her, and she left.

"Drink," tenderly encouraging my friend, "Please."

I watched as she sipped at her soda obediently, and then drank more deeply, surprised by how thirsty she was I guess. I realized she had finished the whole thing and  pushed my glass toward her.

"Thanks," she muttered, drinking contently. The cold from the icy soda must have gotten to her as she  shivered.

"Are you cold?"

"It's just the Coke," she explained, shivering again.

"Don't you have a jacket?" I asked worried.

"Yes." I noted she looked at the empty bench next to her. "Oh — I left it in Jessica's car." 

I shrugged out of my jacket. Handing it too her, as I adjusted my shirt. It fit me snugly, emphasizing my physic.

"Thanks," she said again, sliding my arms into his jacket. She shivered again. She inhaled a little, rolling the sleeves back to free her hands from drowning in them. 

"That color blue looks lovely with your skin," I said, looking down slightly surprising myself. She too looked surprised, flushing and casting her gaze down as I pushed the bread basket to her. "Eat some?" 

"Really, I'm not going into shock," she protested.

"You should be — a normal person would be. You don't even look shaken." I was honestly unsettled by how well she was taking this. I found myself staring into her eyes, mesmerized by how light they were, seemingly shining. 

"I feel very safe with you," I heard her confess, shocking me a little. I found certain emotions bubbling, but shook my head clearing my thoughts as I muttered to myself. 
"This is more complicated than I'd planned."

I watched as she picked up a breadstick and began nibbling on the end, measuring my expression. I wondered when it would be okay to start questioning him.

"Usually you're in a better mood when your eyes are so light, or even colorful" she commented, and I was absolutely gobsmacked, to the point I stared at her openly, stunned.


"You're always crabbier when your eyes are darker— I expect it then," she went on. "I have a theory about that."

I felt my eyes narrow a bit. "More theories?"

"Mm-hm." She chewed on a small bite of the bread, trying to look indifferent but her heart was racing.

"I hope you were more creative this time... or are you still stealing from comic books?" I smiled faintly, teasing her a bit.

"Well, no, I didn't get it from a comic book, but I didn't come up with it on my own, either," she confessed.

"And?" I prompted, a sinking feeling in my stomach forming.

But then the waitress strode around the partition with her food. I realized we'd been unconsciously leaning toward each other across the table, because we both straightened up as she approached. She set the dish in front of Bella— it looked pretty good — and turned quickly to me.

"Did you change your mind?" she asked. "Isn't there anything I can get you?" 

"No, thank you, but some more soda would be nice." I gestured to the empty
cups in front of me.

"Sure." She removed the empty glasses and walked away.

"You were saying?" I asked, pressing the matter gently.

"I'll tell you about it in the car. If..." I paused.

"There are conditions?" Raising one eyebrow, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

"I do have a few questions, of course."

"Of course."

The waitress was back with two more Cokes. She sat them down without a word this time, and left again.
She took a sip.

"Well, go ahead," I invited, leaning back in the chair with my arms under the table.

She started with the most challenging question to answer. "Why are you in Port Angeles?"

I looked down, folding my large hands together slowly on the table, bringing them up. Smirking at her, I thought to myself that if I told her I'd been asked by her dad to watch her, she would really hate me for it...and poor ol Charlie too.

"Classified, police business."

"But come on it's me," she objected.

"Next," he stated, smirking still.

"Okay, then." She glared at me, and continuing to eat slowly. "Let's say, hypothetically of course, that... someone... could know what people are saying, hear heartbeats, you know — with a few exceptions."

"They'd have to be dead, but yes," I corrected unintentionally, "hypothetically."

"All right, with one exception, then." Continued seemingly casual.

"How does that work? What are the limitations? How would... that someone... find someone else at exactly the right time? How would he know she was in trouble?" I took a second to process what she said before going forward. 

"Hypothetically?" I asked.


"Well, if... that someone..."

"Let's call him 'Joe,'" she  suggested with a playful smirk.

Smiling wryly, I continued on. "Joe, then. If Joe had been paying attention, the timing wouldn't have needed to be quite so exact." I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "Only you could get into trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know."

"We were speaking of a hypothetical case," She reminded him frostily.

Laughing softly, I continued. 

"Yes, we were. Shall we call you 'Jane'?"

"How did you know?" She asked, unable to curb her intensity. I realized I was leaning toward her again.

I wavered, torn by an internal dilemma. My eyes locked with her, and I was wondering if it would be worth it to just come clean...

Ravished and Ravenous. (Bella x m werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now