Chapter 1: Inspirations

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"Hey Y/N! Sorry, I'm late! Traffic!" Your coworker Nami ran into the bookstore where you worked at. She was always late, it used to annoy you but you got over it pretty quickly. She was pretty and drew in a lot of male customers. She convinced anyone to buy anything even if it wasn't what they needed.

"No worries. I'm going to put out the product can you handle the register?" You asked as you started to walk towards the back.

"Yep! I'll page you if I need anything." You nodded your head and heard your phone ping.

Greetings DarkAngel03, this is an offer from the Dressrosa Corp. we are interested in serializing the show you have online. We would love to meet you in person to discuss how to bring your show to the next level. All our contact information is at the bottom. We look forward to hearing from you.

You sighed and sent a reply politely refusing the offer. You were an artist who specialized in animation. You'd always liked to draw and you wanted that to be what you ended up doing until your fingers didn't allow you to do it anymore.
Your first animated series was about a ghost girl, who died full of regrets because she never did the things she wanted to due to fear and anxiety. She meets a boy who can see ghosts and occasionally asks to use his body so she could experiment with things she never got to when she was alive. It ended after 5 episodes and didn't get a whole lot of likes, but it was special to you. And it had given you your first 4 followers. Who to this day were your biggest fans. They encouraged you to make merchandise and sell it. Your art brought in revenue but not enough to live off of. So 30 hours a week you worked at the bookstore.

You were in the music history section when you saw one of the tallest men you'd ever seen in your life. He had blue dreads in a ponytail, a white shirt and leather jacket with some kind of symbol on it, and faded blue jeans and timberland.

Holy shit! I need to draw him when I get home! His body is so proportional it's amazing! And those tattoos are so cool!

You looked away when you heard other footsteps coming toward you.

"Y/N! I need your help! Mr. Crocodile said that he placed an order last night for pick up but I can't find it!" Her outburst caused his attention to turn to you. You got a peek of his hazel brown eyes before going to the counter.

"I'm coming calm down Nami." As you walked away you failed to notice the guy still staring at you.

"This is outrageous I am a busy man and don't have time for this!"

"Mr. Crocodile I understand you're upset but yelling isn't going to fix the situation. What time did you place the order?"

"Last night at 11 pm!" He was still irate but at least he wasn't yelling. He was the mayor of the town you lived in, and he was a very demanding person, no one liked to deal with him.

"Sir, do you know that we close at 10 pm Monday through Friday and Saturdays we are only open till 3 and we aren't open at all on Sundays. If you placed the order last night after closing our website wouldn't have put your order through."

"What kind of system is that? That's ridiculous!" And he was back to yelling.

"Sir, if you give me the list of books you wanted, I will find them in less than 5 minutes. If I go over I will pay for your books myself." You kept calm, there was no reason to become angry or upset with him. It meant he won.

"You seem confident. Fine here I look forward to you paying for me."

"Nami start the timer."

She did with a smug smile on her face. She knew you could do it less than the time you said you'd worked here since your junior year of high school, and once you'd graduated Benn Beckman the owner had made you manager and given you a pay raise. You knew every book, author, and section memorized. When you came back to the counter with the 12 books and rung them up, you kept your face neutral and your voice devoid of any pride.

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