Chapter 10: A coworker's advice

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Your bed was a lot warmer than what you were used to. In the in between of being asleep and waking up, you felt something behind you and something slung over you. When you finally woke up, an arm was draped over your hips, and resting on your inner thigh of your leg closest to the mattress. When you turned to see Heat sleeping behind you, memories of the night before came flooding back!

Oh God! I fell asleep and he stayed here.

He was still in a deep sleep, looking very comfortable where he was. Slowly and carefully, you removed his arm from around you and quickly looked at your phone, it showed 5:30am. You got up and went to the kitchen, the first thing you did was make coffee, and then started breakfast, he'd eaten most of the steak and veggie stew he'd made the night before with you eating the rest. You had pancake mix and went with that.

At 6:30am Heat came rushing out into the kitchen his face confused.

"Morning. I made pancakes, I was just about to get you up. Also coffee is done." You were trying to be casual about this whole thing. You weren't sure if Heat usually spent the night at other girls places but didn't want to ask.

"I spent the night?"

"Evidently. I'm sorry I fell asleep, you're my guest. I probably made you feel awkward."

"Ah no...but uh I'm gonna have to skip the pancakes, but I'll have a cup of coffee black please."

You poured him a cup of coffee, you'd already eaten and had your cup for the morning so you gave him the rest.

"Shit Wire and me got called in for a shift today. You mind coming by later tonight so we can record the song?"

"Sure. I'll bring the painting too."

"I appreciate that." He quickly drank his coffee and then went home. But not before giving you a kiss on the cheek and saying "see you later."

Ugh...he was confusing you. He didn't seem to have a girlfriend and judging by what happened at the grocery store it also appeared that he got around.

You tried calling Perona, but it went straight to voicemail. You left a message asking her to call you back, you were restless and confused. Usually you would have work to keep your mind busy but Benn started your vacation early.

I'll just go and hang out for a bit. It would be nice to see Nami too.

You never imagined that you would actually miss being around the beautiful ginger but here you were missing her and wanting to talk to her. Thinking she might have some experience in this area.

After showering, making sure you had your bag and your tablet, you made your way to the bookstore. The weather was perfect, the wind was somewhat chilly since it was almost October, but you still loved it. You didn't rush yourself and just enjoyed the fresh air.

When you got to the store, you parked your bike and locked it, before you could even walk in you heard a voice that pissed you off.

"Look who we have here. It's my least favorite person." Diamanté sauntered towards you. You chose not to engage and continued to walk to the front door. "I haven't seen anything new on Alabaster from you. Doffy likes to make sure we keep an eye on our previous assets you know."

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" You heard his footsteps edge closer.

"She's clearly ignoring you dude: fuck off!" You turned just in time to see Diamanté getting hit with a book, a heavy one at that. You turned to the person who threw it.

"Hey nice arm Nami." You were very much impressed.

"Hehehe thanks. This asshole bugging you?"

"Yeah. I actually have a restraining order on him. You mind calling the cops?"

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now