Chapter 2: Rough Beginnings pt. 1

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"And done! Only took 58 hours to sync everything...phew." You were exhausted having spent the last 2 days finishing the final episode of season 4; but you had work in less than 4 hours so you knew falling asleep now wouldn't be a good idea. You grabbed your phone and wireless headphones and headed out for a bike ride.

The mistake that people often make about loners is that they hate being around other people, so they don't have any kind of hobbies that deal with the outdoors. While that was true for many, you on the other hand enjoyed bike riding. It was good exercise and kept you in a size 10 pair of jeans. In the town you lived in All Blue, it was a seaside town. A big tourist attraction and only 15 miles away from Sabody where all the fun happened. It had some of the best seafood, music and art in the world. Plus many ancient historical artifacts were found here.

There were a lot of trails some that went into that mountains, the flower fields and through town. Your absolute favorite though was the ones that ran along the coast line. It was what inspired your latest series on Alabaster.

As you were riding you stopped here and there to take photos of the rising sun at different times to see the variety of colors. It also got you thinking about how you'd started this whole thing in the first place. Yes 'A Ghostly Girls Adventures' had been the very beginning for everything, but that wasn't what inspired your newest series.

~ 3 years ago~

You were sitting at your desk in your history class, waiting for the teacher to arrive. You were drawing in one of your newer sketch books that you'd gotten from work.

"Y/N!!! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Your best and only friend Perona came racing into the classroom.

"Did you get asked out again?" You couldn't help but tease her, she was an amateur model for a local clothing line but she'd recently appeared in a big time magazine. SMILE, owned by a guy who you couldn't remember but apparently he used to be a local here in All Blue.

"What no?! I'm starting my own clothing line!!! I've decided to go to the School of Fashion on Amazon island!!!!"

"What?!" But really what? You thought she would stay with you, you both would get an apartment together she would model and you would be the artist. A part of you wanted to cry.

"Be happy for me please?" You couldn't not be happy for her, this had always been her dream and she was finally able to achieve it. You didn't want to be a ball and chain, keeping her here cause you were too scared to venture out.

"Okay. Shakky's cafe? My treat?"

"OMG YES!!! She is introducing a new menu I'm excited!!!"

You left school with Perona feeling a little bittersweet. On one hand you were over the moon for her, on the other you felt a little betrayed.

God I'm a horrible friend! She'll come visit me whenever she can it's not the end of the world!


They say that bad things came in three and back then that was number 1. Number 2 and 3 were bad things disguised as good. You checked your watch and saw that you needed to head home to shower and today was one of those days where makeup would be required so you didn't look like a zombie. The next song popped on and you sang along.

"Honey why you calling me so late? It's kind of hard to talk right now. Honey why you crying? Is everything okay? I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud. Well my girl's in the next room, sometimes I wish she was you, I guess we never really moved on. It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name it sounds so sweet. Coming from the lips of an angel hearing those words it makes me weak, and I never wanna say goodbye. But girl you make it hard to be faithful, with the lips of an angel."

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now