Chapter 9: Music and Art pt. 2

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Come ye lads and lasses, the time is near. For all to cast away those you hold dear. The winds are calling your name, to join the swells of the ocean. And anchors away. Freedom is calling its song loud and clear, the Voyager is ready to all come near: bring your troubles, bring your grief, your anger, pride and dreams. Nothing too small for the ocean is vast. Drown everything be free at last. If death is what awaits, I'll greet it like a friend, no need to fear when our times draw near, it will never be the end. {Lyrics-TitaniaDLuna}

The song wasn't long, it was meant for the opening animation theme for the first season. He had different ones for each season when the characters stories grew. This was meant to tell the story about the world rules oppressing those less fortunate and Captain Jack calling his friends to find freedom no matter the cost. You honestly thought Heat's voice would've been enough but he wanted your higher pitches to mimic a siren effect apparently.

He was also very serious about his craft which you could appreciate. He was a perfectionist another thing you could understand and you always tried to get it right the first time, but Heat wanted more raw emotion. Three hours later and he was messing with what you'd already done. Your throat was done, the tea he made came in handy soothing your bruised and overworked vocal chords.

"Alright I have an idea of how to piece it together when we come back to this tomorrow."

"Okay." Your voice was hoarse, he turned and grimaced.

"Shit I'm sorry. I was caught up in it and didn't even think to ask if you wanted a break."

You shook your head and smiled.

"I had fun. Thank you but I think I should go home now. So I don't feel like I have to talk anymore, and I can rest my voice." It hurt to speak, Heat quickly saving everything and double checking it at least three times. Another thing you did when you animated anything.

Once he was confident everything was saved, you started to leave when Kid and Killer came in, from work looking a little grumpy. When they saw you, you gave a little wave.

"What too good to say hi princess?!" Kid's bad mood lashed out at you.

"Sorry Kid." His eyes widened at your coarse voice, but then a teasing aura of as around him.

"Damn Heat how far did she suck you?"

"KID!!!" Heat, Wire and Killer shouted at him. Kid just shrugged his shoulders. You shook your head walked past him and patted his arm.

"Thanks for the new bike Kid." He chuffed and seemed to be embarrassed because he quickly walked away. "Something I said?"

As you went to sit on the motorcycle Heat turned to you.

"Uh...could I maybe, stay over for a little bit?" You tilted your head to the side. "I just...wanna hang out for a little while longer...can I?"

You thought about for a minute you really needed food in your house. Heat had eaten majority of the pizzas that you'd ordered, not that you cared. But your fridge was empty.

"Need to go to the store for food. I wanna cook."

"I get a home cooked meal too?"

You nodded your head, he kissed your cheek and you two were off.

Why does he keep kissing me, and flirting? I mean I'm not saying I don't like it, but I'm going to get the wrong idea.


Wire's POV

"Dude he just kissed her on the cheek!" Kid and the other two were spying on their friend. "When was the last time he did that?"

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now