Chapter 19: Musical muses

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Setting up everything for the music concert of Heat's students. You had done the fliers like you promised and it turned out that a lot of people wanted to come. Instead of doing a single show, Heat asked the parents if the kids could do multiple shows, and the parents agreed to 2 shows a day for two days. You also organized a book fair aimed at younger kids and teenagers, you set up tables with books that hadn't sold, with series like Nancy Drew and Goosebumps. You were the only one setting up, but you wanted to have some time alone, Perona's sudden visit a few days ago was messing with your head.


"Perona? Wh-what are you doing here?"

You couldn't help the shock in your tone along with the subtle annoyance to it. You and Heat were finally going to seal the deal, you had finally been comfortable enough to let him be with you in the way that he wanted.

"What? Are we no longer friends anymore?"

She didn't bother to wait for an invitation and stormed her way in. She looked around and shook her head.

"Still painting I see. And the other thing too?"

She said it like it wasn't worth your time and energy like you should've given up on it a long time ago.

"Perona, this isn't a good time, I have company over and something I need to do. I will text you-"

"My number is different. My new agency gave me a new phone."

She was throwing new information at you left and right.

"So hurry up."

She demanded of you suddenly you weren't really sure what was going on.

"For what?"

"You're taking me out. I did come over here to see you. But I don't want to spend time cooped up here, I want to go out to eat. And no Shakky's her food will make me fat."

You just stared at her. Having a hard time that this person was your best friend. You were used to her bratty attitude, but she she'd never been a bitch. Not to you at least."

"Babe?" Heat's voice brought you out of your stupor, making you jolt. He had his pants on but his shirt was still off, your emotions in a flurry so much that you couldn't appreciate his body.

"Oh Y/N, you had to pay someone to take your V-card. I'll spot you for the time you lost. How much was he?"

You didn't feel it. Not you moving and not the sting on your palm from slapping her.

"You bitch! Do you know how much money my face is worth now?"

You slapped her again. Harder and on the other cheek.

"Fuck you Perona." You weren't shouting, yelling hell your voice didn't even properly articulate how you were currently feeling. A cold anger like you had never felt before was raging through you.

"Don't. Ever. Disrespect. Heat. Again. If you do...I'll break your fucking nose." Again the calm tone was back.

"I'll have you arrested for assualt."

"Go ahead. You're no longer the only person who is in my life Perona. I have made a lot of friends over the course of these few months, and he..." you pointed to Heat behind you.."Is my boyfriend. He is an amazing musician and teacher. And is my biggest cheerleader. I will not have you compare him to a male escort. Unlike you, I never had to guilt him into liking me."

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now