Chapter 13: Musical Confessions

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[Bellamy's POV]

Bellamy was sitting in a room; it was small with a bed and a bathroom with a shower. But that was it. No TV, and no doorknob on the inside. There were scratch marks all over the door. And what looked like dry blood.

He was being punished, for going berserk and going to the one person he had been told to stay away from.

He'd known Y/N since his senior year of high school, she was a sophomore and she was the artsy nerd type, he only ever saw her cause at the time he'd been seeing Perona in secret, and they were best friends.

He'd never gotten how their friendship worked, he did know though that Perona had always been jealous of Y/N. While Perona was pretty she didn't posses much of any talent, whereas Y/N while not ugly but not overly beautiful was immensely talented. She could paint, draw, animate and had a beautiful singing voice. He'd followed them once to their karaoke night and listening to her sing nearly putting him to sleep.

Y/N had no clue that Perona wasn't a real friend. The girl badmouthed and talked down about her whenever they weren't together. It'd always sat unwell with him. When he'd tried to get together with Y/N and she rejected him, he'd been depressed about it for a while.

He'd been dating Baby 5 for a couple of years when he saw her again with Heat of all people. She'd looked really good, and when she punched him, he'd been happy and had a slight hard on. But he couldn't let people know that he enjoyed hitting and being hit, it'd ruin his image. He usually got those urges out at brothels, since doing something like that to Baby 5 wouldn't go over very well with Doflamingo.

The hours before going to her workplace he'd imagined having her bent over her ass bruised with his palm prints while he fucked her pussy rough. He'd wanted her to hit him again, and she fought him. It added to the high he had already been on. But now he was in this room.


The door opened and in walked Doflamingo with a wicked grin on his face.

"How do you feel about being a bodyguard for your ex-girlfriend?"

[Heat's POV]

Heat was having a hard time watching you. All he wanted to do was take you in his arms and keep you there until all the bad things went away. But he knew that wasn't possible. You'd been held prisoner, tortured and sexually abused and you were still here? How? He knew most people who went through that either suffered their whole lives with PTSD or killed themselves. But here you were thriving. Or maybe you weren't.

When he couldn't take it anymore he stood up and brought her into him. He felt the blood in him boiling with each story you told. When you finally stopped talking he picked you up bridal style and sat down on the love seat with you.

Everyone had gone quiet, Kid looking like he wanted to punch something.

"Should we all stay here tonight?" Killer suggested.

"No guys please I'm okay!"

"I'll be enough. You guys can go home though." Heat was feeling a tad possessive right now, not that he would ever admit that to anyone.

"And Killer you can pick any of the paintings here in the living room. I still want that recipe." Heat noticed you attempted a smile and he nuzzled your neck, taking in your scent.

Maybe we can screw her brains out to help her.

The damn little devil on his shoulder suggested he ignored his own carnal desires and instead focused on the tiny woman in his arms. You visibly relaxed into him and he started to stroke your hair and he surprised with how soft it was.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now